Ticket #21933

fons (フォーラムメッセージ #50759 からの引用)

오픈 날짜: 2010-05-24 22:23 마지막 업데이트: 2010-10-26 22:35

Open [Owner assigned]
5 - Medium
5 - Medium


フォーラム 公開討議 [#50759] からの引用

[forum: 50759]

これは元データの typo だと思いますが、 fons を引くと、 fons fons (noun f nom sg) というのが見つかります。ELD でも LS でも同じです。が、fons は男性名詞です。

Ticket History (3/3 Histories)

2010-05-24 22:23 Updated by: ohkubo-k
  • New Ticket "fons (フォーラムメッセージ #50759 からの引用)" created
2010-10-26 22:29 Updated by: ohkubo-k
댓글 올리기


*** Aletrinati  Aletrinas  (noun dat sg)
*** Aletrinati  Aletrinas  (noun dat sg)
*** Aletrinatibus  Aletrinas  (noun dat/abl pl)
*** Aletrinatibus  Aletrinas  (noun dat/abl pl)
*** Aletrinatis  Aletrinas  (noun gen sg) (noun m/f acc pl)
*** Aletrinatis  Aletrinas  (noun gen sg) (noun m/f acc pl)
*** Anapis  Anapis  (noun dat/abl pl)
*** Anapis  Anapis  (noun dat/abl pl)
*** ancipitibus  anceps  (noun dat/abl pl) (noun m dat/abl pl) (noun f dat/abl pl) (noun n dat/abl pl)
*** cancri  cancer  (noun gen sg) (noun m nom/voc pl) (noun f nom/voc pl)
*** cancrique  cancer  (noun gen sg) (noun m nom/voc pl) (noun f nom/voc pl)
*** cancris  cancer  (noun dat/abl pl)
*** cancro  cancer  (noun dat/abl sg)
*** cancroque  cancer  (noun dat/abl sg)
*** cancrorum  cancer  (noun gen pl)
*** compote  compos  (noun abl sg)
*** compotis  compos  (noun gen sg) (noun m/f acc pl)
*** compotum  compos  (noun gen pl)
*** Dauid  David  (noun)
*** Dauid  David  (noun)
*** David  David  (noun)
*** David  David  (noun)
*** diuite  dives  (noun abl sg)
*** diuitibus  dives  (noun dat/abl pl)
*** diuitis  dives  (noun gen sg)
*** divite  dives  (noun abl sg)
*** diviti  dives  (noun dat sg)
*** divitibus  dives  (noun dat/abl pl)
*** divitibusque  dives  (noun dat/abl pl)
*** divitis  dives  (noun gen sg)
*** divitum  dives  (noun gen pl)
*** duplice  duplex  (noun abl sg)
*** duplici  duplex  (noun dat sg)
*** duplicibus  duplex  (noun dat/abl pl)
*** duplicique  duplex  (noun dat sg)
*** duplicis  duplex  (noun gen sg)
*** duplicisque  duplex  (noun gen sg)
*** fan  fas  (noun)
*** fas  fas  (noun)
*** fasque  fas  (noun)
*** impare  impar  (noun abl sg)
*** impari  impar  (noun dat sg)
*** imparibus  impar  (noun dat/abl pl)
*** imparis  impar  (noun gen sg)
*** inope  inops  (noun abl sg)
*** inpare  impar  (noun abl sg)
*** inpari  impar  (noun dat sg)
*** inparibus  impar  (noun dat/abl pl)
*** insonti  insons  (noun dat sg)
*** insontibus  insons  (noun dat/abl pl)
*** insontis  insons  (noun gen sg) (noun m/f acc pl)
*** insontium  insons  (noun gen pl)
*** lite  lis  (noun abl sg)
*** liti  lis  (noun dat sg)
*** litibus  lis  (noun dat/abl pl)
*** litibvs  lis  (noun dat/abl pl)
*** litis  lis  (noun gen sg) (noun m/f acc pl)
*** litium  lis  (noun gen pl)
*** litiumst  lis  (noun gen pl)
*** litum  lis  (noun gen pl)
*** Maecenate  Maecenas  (noun abl sg)
*** Maecenati  Maecenas  (noun dat sg)
*** Maecenatibus  Maecenas  (noun dat/abl pl)
*** Maecenatis  Maecenas  (noun gen sg) (noun m/f acc pl)
*** nefas  nefas  (noun)
*** nefasque  nefas  (noun)
*** perpeti  perpes  (noun dat sg)
*** perpeti  perpes  (noun dat sg)
*** perpetis  perpes  (noun gen sg) (noun m/f acc pl)
*** perpetis  perpes  (noun gen sg) (noun m/f acc pl)
*** perpetum  perpes  (noun gen pl)
*** perpetum  perpes  (noun gen pl)
*** seniore  senex  (noun abl sg)
*** seniori  senex  (noun dat sg)
*** senioribus  senex  (noun dat/abl pl)
*** senioribusque  senex  (noun dat/abl pl)
*** senioris  senex  (noun gen sg)
*** seniorum  senex  (noun gen pl)
*** seniorumque  senex  (noun gen pl)
*** siremps  sirempse  (noun)
*** siremps  sirempse  (noun)
*** sirempse  sirempse  (noun)
*** sirempse  sirempse  (noun)
*** sonte  sons  (noun abl sg)
*** sonti  sons  (noun dat sg)
*** sontibus  sons  (noun dat/abl pl)
*** sontis  sons  (noun gen sg) (noun m/f acc pl)
*** sontium  sons  (noun gen pl)
*** sontiumque  sons  (noun gen pl)
*** sontum  sons  (noun gen pl)
*** tot  tot  (noun)
*** totque  tot  (noun)
*** totve  tot  (noun)
*** truce  trux  (noun abl sg)
*** truci  trux  (noun dat sg)
*** trucibus  trux  (noun dat/abl pl)
2010-10-26 22:35 Updated by: ohkubo-k
댓글 올리기

変化形データとELDとで性別が異なっているものは、数百件あるようだ。 ただし、性別毎に複数見出しがある場合などの誤認も含む(acusは、男・女・中で3つ見出しがある、など)。

accola accola (noun f nom/voc/abl sg)
   ELDデータでは accola ae, m., (電子版、紙版ともに男性名詞)
   LSでは accŏla ae, c.

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