Project Description

CharacterManaJ is an application to create a single image by superimposing multiple selected images. It is able to design the avatar by different dresses and different parts by layering them, but not limited to it. In order to run charactermanaj you need to have some images first.

Important! This program does not include image data.

Please prepare the data yourself. Refer to the Wiki document for the procedure.


本アプリケーションはJava6以降が必要です。 お使いのマシンにJava6以降ののクライアントランタイムがインストールされており、そのランタイムを使用したい場合はJREなし版を利用できます。 JREなしのzipまたはd... Show How to Install


初回起動すると、空のキャラクター定義が開かれます。このままではパーツ画像が何もないので、何もできません。 この初回起動時に作成されるデフォルトのキャラクター定義は、「キャラクターなんとか機」と同じ構... Show Usage


win32 Windows (날짜: 2015-07-21, 크기: 1.12 MB)
macosx Mac CharacterManaJ_0.998.dmg (날짜: 2015-07-21, 크기: 1.22 MB)
unix_unknown UNIX CharacterManaJ.jar (날짜: 2015-07-21, 크기: 1.24 MB)

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2021-06-17 10:20
Review by Luckygreentiger

(1 of 2 people found this review helpful)
The app breaks because of the language settings. Any chance of getting an English version? I would love to use this app but am currently not able to.
Generous program to make various sprites.
Cannot run due to file and path names breaking on non-Japanese systems (a guess)

2018-05-01 14:45
Review by Zal

(12 of 23 people found this review helpful)
I'm able to run the program, but everything is blank when I do. I can't figure out whether I'm doing something wrong.

2016-10-03 20:23
Review by anonymous

(10 of 13 people found this review helpful)
Thank you and K.Hmix-san very much to creat such a good software!
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