2003年 4月 1日 (火) 17:32:14 JST
Date: Tuesday April 1, 2003 @ 17:32 Author: takasan Update of /cvsroot/canna/canna/dic/ideo In directory sf-cvs:/tmp/cvs-serv20203 Modified Files: Tag: DIC_WORK ChangeLog Log Message: pubdic/?.p: add entries of katakata words that have a prolonged vowel at the last syllable. Now you don't have to rely solely on "long vowel symbol" entry in suffix.ctd in order to input these words. (IMHO the entry is too productive.) =================================================================== File: no file ChangeLog Status: Needs Checkout Working revision: Tue Apr 1 08:32:14 2003 Repository revision: /cvsroot/canna/canna/dic/ideo/Attic/ChangeLog,v Sticky Tag: DIC_WORK (branch: 1.1.2) Existing Tags: DIC_WORK (branch: 1.1.2)