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CD bootable and Easy Setup Linux.
Based on Red Hat Fedora and Knoppix 3.3.
Using new technologies.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined
Berry Linux
Berry Linux 1.37
Berry Linux Development for Internet
Development for Berry Linux

Released at 2022-12-13 17:35
Berry Linux Berry Linux 1.37 (1 files Hide)

Release Notes

Berry Linux

©2002-2022 Yuichiro Nakada

1. What's Berry Linux ?

Berry Linux is a bootable CD that features, automatic hardware detect- ion. It supports many graphics cards, sound cards, SCSI, USB, and oth- er peripherals. Berry Linux can be used as a Linux demo, Educational CD, or a rescue system. You can try it out without touching your hard drive. If you like it, there is an option to install Berry Linux on your hard disk. (Needs 1.9GB) Berry Linux is based on Fedora 37.

2. What software is installed on the Berry Linux CD ?

Berry Linux 1.37 from Fri Nov 18 2022 to Tue Dec 13 2022 Based on Fedora 37 (64bit)

System: Kernel 6.0.7 SMP and low-latency > squashfs 4.5.3 > fuse 3.10.5 + ntfs-3g + exfat + sshfs glibc 2.36 gcc 12.2.1 hwdata 0.365 Busybox 1.22.1 (+ uClibc 0.9.32) CUPS 2.4.2 with AirPrint

Applications: Weston 10.0.1 + Wayfire 0.7.4 (GUI) berry-dm 0.5 (Display Manager) ConnMan 1.34 + ConnMan-UI 0.2 (WLAN) X.Org 1.20.14 LXDE 0.10.1 (Desktop) ClipIt 1.4.5 (Clipboard Manager) WPS Office LazPaint 7.2.2 (Photoshop like) UMPlayer 0.98 (MPlayer 1.1.1 + FFmpeg 2.2.3) Firefox 95.0.2 Sylpheed 3.7.0 Whiz 0.61 (UMa) + Kimera 2.11a File Roller 43.0 (Archiver) Zathura 0.4.9 (PDF viewer) gedit 43 (Text editor) l3afpad (Text editor) sakura 3.8.6 (Terminal) dropbox aplay+ 0.7 (BitPerfect player)

Microsoft Office Online (WebApp) Pixlr (WebApp)

Games: Miss Driller2 0.1 Snes9x 1.55 & Packman

Fonts: NotoFonts 20180605 M+ FONTS 063 + Motoya L Maruberi 3 + Motoya L Cedar 3 + Utsukushi Mincho+ Inconsolata (Monospace) Raleway (Sans) Playfair Display (Serif) Theano Old Style Aqua Font 2.8 Mikachan Font 9.1 Aoyagikouzan Font & Gyosho 2 Decoration Fonts 0.2

Minimum System Requirements: Intel-compatible CPU (i686 or later) 20 MB of RAM for text mode, at least 96 MB for graphics mode with KDE (at least 128 MB of RAM is recommended to use the various office products) Bootable CD-ROM drive, or a USB-key and a boot floppy and standard CD-ROM (SATA/IDE/ATAPI or SCSI) Standard SVGA-compatible graphics card Serial or PS/2 standard mouse or IMPS/2-compatible USB-mouse.

3. How is Berry Linux started ?

To start the CD, set up the BIOS of your computer to boot off the CD, put the CD in the drive, and power up the computer. If your computer doesn't support this option, you have to use a boot disk. You can cre- ate this disk from the image in BERRY/boot.img on the CD.

4. Where can I get the Berry Linux ?

You can download the Berry Linux from Project Homepage. (,

5. Change Logs

Berry Linux 1.37 from Fri Nov 18 2022 to Tue Dec 13 2022 Based on Fedora 37 (64bit)

Kernel 6.0.7 SMP and low-latency glibc 2.36 gcc 12.2.1 hwdata 0.365 CUPS 2.4.2 with AirPrint

Weston 10.0.1 + Wayfire 0.7.4 (GUI) berry-dm 0.5 (Display Manager) LazPaint 7.2.2 (Photoshop like) File Roller 43.0 (Archiver) Zathura 0.4.9 (PDF viewer) gedit 43 (Text editor) sakura 3.8.6 (Terminal) aplay+ 0.7 (BitPerfect player)

Berry Linux 1.36 from Mon Jan 10 2022 to Tue Feb 22 2022 Based on Fedora 35 (64bit)

Kernel 5.13.12 SMP > squashfs 4.5.3 > fuse 3.10.5 + ntfs-3g + exfat + sshfs glibc 2.34 gcc 11.2.1 hwdata 0.356

Weston 8.0.0 + Wayfire 0.7.2 (GUI) X.Org 1.20.14 Firefox 95.0.2 LazPaint 7.1.6 (Photoshop like) Zathura 0.4.7 (PDF viewer) gedit 41 (Text editor) sakura 3.8.4 (Terminal)

Microsoft Office Online (WebApp) Pixlr (WebApp)

Removed Maynard 0.5 Removed Evince 3.34.2 (PDF) Removed GIMP Version 2.8.22 (Photoshop like)

Berry Linux 1.35 from Mon May 31 2021 to Wed Jul 7 2021 Based on Fedora 34 (64bit)

> fuse 3.10.4 + ntfs-3g + exfat + sshfs glibc 2.33 gcc 11.1.1 hwdata 0.348

X.Org 1.20.11 LXDE 0.10.1 (Desktop) ClipIt 1.4.5 (Clipboard Manager) File Roller 3.40.0 (Archiver) Firefox 89.0.1 gedit 40.1 (Text editor) sakura 3.7.1 (Terminal) aplay+ 0.5 (BitPerfect player)

Removed lilyterm Removed Timidity++ 2.14.0 + 8MBGM E-Mu APS

Berry Linux 1.34 from Thu Nov 19 2020 to Sat Dec 19 2020 Based on Fedora 33 (64bit)

Kernel 5.7.19 SMP > fuse 3.9.4 + ntfs-3g + exfat + sshfs glibc 2.32 hwdata 0.341

X.Org 1.20.10 File Roller 3.38.0 (Archiver) aplay+ 0.4 (BitPerfect player)

Berry Linux 1.33 from Sat Jul 18 2020 to Tue Sep 22 2020 Based on Fedora 32 (64bit) > fuse 3.9.1 + ntfs-3g + exfat + sshfs glibc 2.31 gcc 10.2.1 hwdata 0.339 CUPS 2.3.3 with AirPrint

X.Org 1.20.8 File Roller 3.36.3 (Archiver) lilyterm aplay+ 0.3 (BitPerfect player)

Removed lxterminal 0.3.2

Berry Linux 1.32 from Wed Jan 1 2020 to Sun Mar 15 2020 Based on Fedora 31 (64bit)

Kernel 5.4.6 SMP > fuse 3.6.2 + ntfs-3g + exfat + sshfs glibc 2.30 gcc 9.2.1 hwdata 0.333 CUPS 2.2.12 with AirPrint

Weston 8.0.0 + Maynard 0.5 (GUI) AIGLX/X.Org 1.20.6 WPS Office File Roller 3.32.4 (Archiver) Evince 3.34.2 (PDF) gedit 3.34.1 (Text editor) aplay+ 0.2 (BitPerfect player)

Removed Remmina 1.2.32 (FreeRDP 2.0.0)

Berry Linux 1.31 from Tue May 7 2019 to Mon Jul 8 2019 Based on Fedora 30 (64bit)

> fuse 3.5.0 + ntfs-3g + exfat + sshfs glibc 2.29 gcc 9.1.1 hwdata 0.325

Weston 6.0.0 + Maynard 0.5 (GUI) AIGLX/X.Org 1.20.5 LXDE 0.10.0 (Desktop) File Roller 3.32.1 Evince 3.32.0 (PDF) gedit 3.32.2 (Text editor)

Removed dred 0.3 (Text editor) Removed PeaZip 5.6.1

Berry Linux 1.30 from Mon Mar 11 2019 to Tue Mar 12 2019 Based on Fedora 29 (64bit)

gcc 8.3.1 hwdata 0.321

Weston 5.0.0 + Maynard 0.5 (GUI) AIGLX/X.Org 1.20.4 Firefox 65.0.2 Evince 3.30.2 (PDF) gedit 3.30.2 (Text editor) aplay+ 0.1 (BitPerfect player)

Removed Flash Player

Berry Linux 1.29 from Fri Feb 8 2019 to Wed Feb 27 2019 Kernel 4.20.12 SMP gcc 8.2.1 hwdata 0.319

ClipIt 1.4.4 (Clipboard Manager) Flash Player Evince 3.28.5 (PDF) Remmina 1.2.32 (FreeRDP 2.0.0) l3afpad (Text editor) lxterminal 0.3.2

Removed leafpad (Text editor)

Berry Linux 1.28 from Tue Jun 5 2018 to Fri Jun 8 2018 Based on Fedora 28 (64bit)

glibc 2.27 gcc 8.1.1

Weston 4.0.0 + Maynard 0.5 (GUI) ConnMan 1.34 + ConnMan-UI 0.2 (WLAN) Sylpheed 3.7.0 Flash Player Evince 3.28.2 (PDF) gedit 3.28.1 (Text editor)

NotoFonts 20180605 M+ FONTS 063 + Motoya L Maruberi 3 + Motoya L Cedar 3 + Utsukushi Mincho+

Removed NotoSansCJK 20150615 Removed IPA Fonts 00103 + Motoya L Maruberi 3 Removed XANO-Mincho 2004

Berry Linux 1.27 from Tue Feb 27 2018 to Tue May 29 2018 Kernel 4.16.11 SMP gcc 7.3.1 hwdata 0.312

AIGLX/X.Org 1.19.6 Flash Player Firefox 60.0.1 Evince 3.26.0 (PDF) lxterminal 0.3.1

Snes9x 1.55 & Packman

Berry Linux 1.26 from Thu Nov 23 2017 to Mon Nov 27 2017 Based on Fedora 27 (64bit)

glibc 2.26 gcc 7.2.1 hwdata 0.306

Weston 3.0.0 + Maynard 0.5 (GUI) ConnMan 1.34 + ConnMan-UI 0.1 (WLAN) AIGLX/X.Org 1.19.5 WPS Office PeaZip 5.6.1 Sylpheed 3.6.0 gedit 3.22.1 (Text editor) dred 0.3 (Text editor) leafpad (Text editor)

Snes9x 1.54 & Packman

Removed Zsnes 1.51 & Packman

Berry Linux 1.25 from Fri Jan 27 2017 to Wed Nov 22 2017 Based on Fedora 25 (64bit)

Kernel 4.14.1 SMP gcc 6.4.1 hwdata 0.305

AIGLX/X.Org 1.19.3 LXDE 0.9.3 (Desktop) GIMP Version 2.8.22 (Photoshop like) UMPlayer 0.98 (MPlayer 1.1.1 + FFmpeg 2.2.3) Flash Player Firefox 57.0 Sylpheed 3.5.0 Whiz 0.61 (UMa) + Kimera 2.11a

NotoSansCJK 20150615

Removed Qmmp 0.7.7 (Winamp like) Removed Wine 2.0 (with winetricks) Removed Mine Sweeper 0.01

Berry Linux 1.24 from Sun Dec 4 2016 to Tue Jan 3 2017 Based on Fedora 25

Kernel 4.9.4 SMP glibc 2.24 gcc 6.3.1 hwdata 0.295

Weston 1.12.0 + Maynard 0.5 (GUI) berry-dm 0.4 (Display Manager) ConnMan 1.32 + ConnMan-UI 0.1 (WLAN) AIGLX/X.Org 1.19.0 LXDE 0.9.1 (Desktop) PeaZip 6.2.0 Flash Player Firefox 50.1.0 Wine 2.0 (with winetricks) Evince 3.22.1 (PDF)

Removed Inkscape 0.48.2 Removed Sylpheed 3.5.0

Berry Linux 1.23 from Sun Jul 3 2016 to Wed Jul 27 2016 Based on Fedora 24

Kernel 4.6.4 SMP > fuse 2.9.7 + ntfs-3g + exfat + sshfs glibc 2.23.1 gcc 6.1.1 hwdata 0.290

Weston 1.10.0 + Maynard 0.4 (GUI) berry-dm 0.3 (Display Manager) ConnMan 1.31 + ConnMan-UI 0.1 (WLAN) AIGLX/X.Org 1.18.3 LXDE 0.8.2 (Desktop) Flash Player Sylpheed 3.5.0 Wine 1.9.12 (with winetricks) Evince 3.20.1 (PDF) Remmina 1.2.0 (FreeRDP 2.0.0)

Removed SRWare Iron 37.0.2000.0 (Chrome) Removed Zathura 0.3.6 (PDF)

Berry Linux 1.22 from Fri Dec 18 2015 to Thu Dec 31 2015 Kernel 4.3.3 SMP gcc 5.3.1 hwdata 0.284

Weston 1.9.0 + Maynard 0.4 (GUI) berry-dm 0.2 (Display Manager) Flash Player Wine 1.8.0 (with winetricks)

Berry Linux 1.21 from Mon Jun 8 2015 to Fri Nov 20 2015 Based on Fedora 23

Kernel 4.3 SMP > fuse 2.9.4 + sshfs + ntfs-3g glibc 2.22 gcc 5.1.1

Weston 1.9.0 + Maynard 0.3 (GUI) ConnMan 1.29 + ConnMan-UI 0.1 (WLAN) AIGLX/X.Org 1.18.0 LXDE 0.8.1 (Desktop) ClipIt 1.4.2 (Clipboard Manager) WPS Office Flash Player Wine 1.7.54 (with winetricks) Evince 3.18.0 (PDF) Zathura 0.3.3 (PDF) Remmina 1.2.0 (FreeRDP 1.2.0) lxterminal 0.2.0

NotoSansCJK 20150609 Playfair Display (Serif)

Removed AbiWord 3.0.1 (Word) Removed Gnumeric 1.12.23 (Excel)

Berry Linux 1.20 from Mon Feb 2 2015 to Thu May 28 2015 Kernel 4.0.4 SMP

AIGLX/X.Org 1.16.3 AbiWord 3.0.1 (Word) Gnumeric 1.12.20 (Excel) Flash Player SRWare Iron 37.0.2000.0 (Chrome) Whiz 0.60 (Lup) + Kimera 2.11a / 1.40+ Wine 1.7.42 (with winetricks) Evince 3.14.2 (PDF)

NotoSansCJK 20150423 M+ FONTS 059 / M+ BITMAP FONTS Inconsolata (Monospace) Raleway (Sans) Theano Old Style (Serif) Decoration Fonts 0.2

Removed LibreOffice 4.1.6 (Japanese and English) Removed qpdfview 0.4.13 (PDF) Removed Roadfighter 1.0.1269

Removed Systema Font 2.1

Berry Linux 1.19 from Tue Jul 22 2014 to Sun Jan 4 2015 Based on Fedora 21

Kernel 3.18.1 SMP glibc 2.20 gcc 4.9.2 hwdata 0.272

Weston 1.6.0 + Maynard 0.1 (GUI) ConnMan 1.24 + ConnMan-UI 0.1 (WLAN) AIGLX/X.Org 1.16.2 GIMP Version 2.8.14 (Photoshop like) UMPlayer 0.97 (MPlayer 1.1.1 + FFmpeg 2.2.3) Flash Player Firefox 34.0.5 (Japanese and English) Sylpheed 3.4.2 Whiz 0.59 (CMa) + Kimera 2.11a / 1.40+ Wine 1.7.33 (with winetricks) qpdfview 0.4.13 (PDF) Zathura 0.3.2 (PDF) Remmina 1.1.1 (FreeRDP 1.2.0)

Removed KDE 4.13.3 (Fedora 20/Stable) Removed LXDM 0.4.1 (LoginManager) Removed ADeskBar 0.4.3 (Panel) Removed Rasp-UI 0.16 (WindowManager) Removed Kaffeine 1.2.2 (xine-lib 1.2.5) Removed K3b 2.0.2 Removed xlockmore 5.28

Removed PCSX-Reloaded 1.9.92+ (r73976) Removed DeSmuMe 0.9.7

Berry Linux 1.18 from Mon May 13 2013 to Mon Jun 23 2014 Based on Fedora 20

Kernel 3.14.5 SMP > squashfs 4.3 > fuse 2.9.3 + sshfs + ntfs-3g glibc 2.18 gcc 4.8.2 Busybox 1.22.1 (+ uClibc 0.9.32)

AIGLX/X.Org 1.14.4 KDE 4.12.5 (Fedora 20/Stable) LXDE 0.6.1 (Desktop) + ADeskBar 0.4.3 (Panel) LibreOffice 4.1.6 (Japanese and English) Qmmp 0.7.7 (Winamp like) UMPlayer 0.95 (MPlayer 1.1.1 + FFmpeg 2.2.3) Kaffeine 1.2.2 (xine-lib 1.2.5) Flash Player Firefox 29.0.1 (Japanese and English) Sylpheed 3.4.1 Timidity++ 2.14.0 + 8MBGM E-Mu APS Wine 1.7.18 (with winetricks) Zathura 0.2.7 (PDF) Remmina 0.9.3 (FreeRDP 1.0.2)

Removed SRWare Iron 12.0.750.0 (Based on Google Chrome) Removed Thunderbird 17.0 (Japanese and English) Removed Audacious 2.4.0 (Plugins 2.4.0) Removed TextMaker & PlanMaker (Free version) Removed ePDFView 0.1.8 (PDF)

Berry Linux 1.17 from Mon Nov 19 2012 to Mon Dec 31 2012 Kernel 3.7.1 SMP gcc 4.7.2

AIGLX/X.Org 1.12.4 KDE 4.9.4 (Fedora 17/Stable) LibreOffice (Japanese and English) UMPlayer 0.95 (MPlayer 1.0rc3) Firefox 17.0.1 (Japanese and English) Thunderbird 17.0 (Japanese and English) Wine 1.5.17 (with winetricks)

Berry Linux 1.16 from Wed Jul 25 2012 to Thu Aug 23 2012 Kernel 3.5.2 SMP KDE 4.8.5 (Fedora 17/Stable) LibreOffice 3.6.0 (Japanese and English) UMPlayer 1.0 (MPlayer 1.0rc3) ePDFView 0.1.8 Zathura 0.0.8 Wine 1.5.8 (with winetricks)

Removed KPDF 0.5.10

Berry Linux 1.15 from Tue May 29 2012 to Fri Jun 22 2012 Based on Fedora 17

Kernel 3.4.2 SMP > fuse 2.8.7 + sshfs + ntfs-3g > ndiswrapper 1.58rc1 glibc 2.15 gcc 4.7.0 Busybox 1.20.1 (+ uClibc 0.9.32)

AIGLX/X.Org 1.12.2 KDE 4.8.3 (Fedora 17/Stable) LXDE 0.5.10 (Desktop) + ADeskBar 0.4.3 (Panel) GIMP Version 2.8.0 (Photoshop like) K3b 2.0.2 Firefox 13.0 (Japanese and English) Thunderbird 13.0 (Japanese and English) Inkscape 0.48.2 Wine 1.5.3 (with winetricks) Remmina 0.9.3 (FreeRDP 1.0.1) lxterminal 0.1.11

Berry Linux 1.14 from Mon Feb 13 2012 to Fri May 25 2012 Kernel 3.2.18 SMP gcc 4.6.3 Busybox 1.19.4 (+ uClibc 0.9.32)

AIGLX/X.Org 1.11.4 KDE 4.8.3 (Fedora 16/Stable) LibreOffice 3.5.3 (Japanese and English) Firefox 12.0 (Japanese and English) Thunderbird 12.0.1 (Japanese and English) Wine 1.5.2 (with winetricks) Remmina 0.9.3 (FreeRDP 0.8.2)

Berry Linux 1.13 from Sat Nov 5 2011 to Sun Feb 5 2012 Based on Fedora 16

Kernel 3.1.8 SMP > ndiswrapper 1.57 gcc 4.6.2

AIGLX/X.Org 1.11.3 KDE 4.7.4 (Fedora 16/Stable) LXDM 0.4.1 (LoginManager) LXDE 0.5.6 (Desktop) + ADeskBar 0.4.2 (Panel) LibreOffice 3.4.5 (Japanese and English) UMPlayer 0.97 (MPlayer 1.0rc3) Firefox 9.0.1 (Japanese and English) Thunderbird 9.0.1 (Japanese and English) Wine 1.3.37 (with winetricks)

PCSX-Reloaded 1.9.92+ (r73976)

Decoration Fonts 0.1

Removed SLiM 1.3.2 (LoginManager) Removed Tvtime 1.0.2

Berry Linux 1.12 from Wed Aug 17 2011 to Sun Oct 30 2011 Kernel 3.0.4 SMP

LibreOffice 3.4.3 (Japanese and English) Kaffeine 1.2.2 (xine-lib 1.1.19) Flash Player Firefox 7.0.1 (Japanese and English) Thunderbird 7.0.1 (Japanese and English)

Berry Linux 1.11 from Mon May 30 2011 to Mon Aug 8 2011 Based on Fedora 15

Kernel 3.0 SMP glibc 2.14 gcc 4.6.0

AIGLX/X.Org 1.10.3 KDE 4.6.5 (Fedora 15/Stable) LibreOffice 3.4.2 (Japanese and English) Flash Player SRWare Iron 12.0.750.0 (Based on Google Chrome) Firefox 5.0.1 (Japanese and English) Thunderbird 5.0 (Japanese and English) Wine 1.3.24 (with winetricks)

Removed OpenOffice 3.3.0 (Japanese and English)

Berry Linux 1.10 from Wed May 11 2011 to Tue May 24 2011 Kernel 2.6.39 SMP

KDE 4.6.3 (Fedora 14/Stable) Flash Player Firefox 4.0.1 (Japanese and English) Wine 1.3.19 (with winetricks)

DeSmuMe 0.9.7

Berry Linux 1.09 from Wed Apr 13 2011 to Mon May 9 2011 Kernel SMP Busybox 1.18.4 (+ uClibc 0.9.32)

AIGLX/X.Org 1.9.5 KDE 4.6.2 (Fedora 14/Stable) Thunderbird 3.1.10 (Japanese and English) Wine 1.3.18 (with winetricks)

Berry Linux 1.08 from Tue Feb 22 2011 to Thu Mar 31 2011 Kernel SMP > squashfs 4.2

AIGLX/X.Org 1.9.4 Rasp-UI 0.16 (WindowManager) Flash Player SRWare Iron 10.0.650.0 (Based on Google Chrome) Firefox 4.0 (Japanese and English) Thunderbird 3.1.9 (Japanese and English) Wine 1.3.14 (with winetricks) dropbox

Removed > aufs 20110114

Berry Linux 1.07 from Mon Jan 3 2011 to Mon Feb 14 2011 Kernel 2.6.37 SMP > aufs 20110114 glibc 2.13

KDE 4.5.5 (Fedora 14/Stable) LXDE 0.5.4 (Desktop) + ADeskBar 0.4.2 (Panel) OpenOffice 3.3.0 (Japanese and English) Flash Player SRWare Iron 8.0.555.0 (Based on Google Chrome) Wine 1.3.12 (with winetricks) KPDF 0.5.10 lxterminal 0.1.9

Miss Driller2 0.1

Removed Nautilus 2.32.2 (Desktop) Removed Vi IMproved 7.1

Berry Linux 1.06 from Wed Nov 3 2010 to Fri Dec 24 2010 Based on Fedora 14

Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash gcc 4.5.1

AIGLX/X.Org 1.9.3 KDE 4.5.4 (Fedora 14/Stable) Nautilus 2.32.2 (Desktop) + ADeskBar 0.4.2 (Panel) Rasp-UI 0.15 (WindowManager) Flash Player Firefox 3.6.13 (Japanese and English) Thunderbird 3.1.7 (Japanese and English) Whiz 0.57 (Eri) + Kimera 2.11a / 1.40+ Wine 1.3.9

IPA Fonts 00103 + Motoya L Maruberi 3

Removed LXDE 0.5.6 (WindowManager) Removed Samba 3.5.6

Berry Linux 1.05 from Wed Sep 15 2010 to Mon Oct 18 2010 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash

LXDE 0.5.6 (WindowManager) Audacious 2.4.0 (Plugins 2.4.0) GIMP Version 2.6.10 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Kaffeine 0.8.3 (xine-lib 1.1.19) Flash Player Firefox 3.6.10 (Japanese and English) Thunderbird 3.1.3 (Japanese and English) Samba 3.5.5 Wine 1.3.4

PCSX-Reloaded 1.9.92

Removed Chrome+ 5.0.342.9 (

Berry Linux 1.04 from Sun Jul 4 2010 to Tue Aug 31 2010 Based on Fedora 13

Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash > ndiswrapper 1.56 glibc 2.12 gcc 4.4.4 Busybox 1.17.1 (+ uClibc 0.9.31)

AIGLX/X.Org 1.8.2 KDE 4.4.5 (Fedora 13/Stable) SLiM 1.3.2 (LoginManager) MPlayer 1.0rc3 Flash Player Firefox 3.6.8 (Japanese and English) Thunderbird 3.1.2 (Japanese and English) Samba 3.5.4 Wine 1.2.0 lxterminal 0.1.7

Berry Linux 1.03 from Tue Apr 20 2010 to Fri Jun 25 2010 Kernel 2.6.34 SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash > aufs 20100522 > fuse 2.8.4 + sshfs + ntfs-3g glibc 2.11.2

KDE 4.4.4 (Fedora 12/Stable) LXDE 0.5.5 (WindowManager) Flash Player Firefox 3.6.4 (Japanese and English) Thunderbird 3.0.5 (Japanese and English)

Berry Linux 1.02 from Thu Apr 8 2010 to Wed Apr 14 2010 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash

KDE 4.4.1 (Fedora 12/Stable) AIGLX/X.Org 1.7.6 MPlayer 20100210 Kaffeine 0.8.3 (xine-lib Thunderbird 3.0.4 (Japanese and English)

PCSX-Reloaded 1.9.91

Removed Xine 0.99.6 Removed SRWare Iron (Based on Google Chrome) Removed Firefox 3.6.3 (Japanese and English) Removed PCSX-df 1.818

Berry Linux 1.01 from Wed Dec 30 2009 to Sun May 14 2010 Based on Fedora 12

Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash glibc 2.11.1 gcc 4.4.3 Busybox 1.15.3

KDE 4.4.0 (Fedora 12/Stable) AIGLX/X.Org 1.7.5 SLiM 1.3.1 (LoginManager) SRWare Iron (Based on Google Chrome) Firefox 3.6 (Japanese and English) Thunderbird 3.0.3 (Japanese and English) Samba 3.4.7 Wine 1.1.38 lxterminal 0.1.6

Removed Sylpheed 2.5.0 (Japanese and English) Removed rxvt-unicode 9.06

Berry Linux 1.00 from Sat Nov 7 2009 to Tue Dec 29 2009 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash > aufs 20090921 Removed > madwifi r4100

KDE 4.3.2 (Fedora 11/Stable) Rasp-UI 0.14 (WindowManager) MPlayer 20091211 Firefox 3.5.6 (Japanese and English) Wine 1.1.32

Berry Linux 0.99 from Mon Oct 5 2009 to Fri Oct 30 2009 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash > unionfs 2.5.3 > fuse 2.8.1 + sshfs + ntfs-3g > ndiswrapper 1.55 > madwifi r4100 > xorg-x11-drv-nvidia 190.42 hwdata 0.225 Busybox 1.15.2

KDE 4.3.1 (Fedora 11/Stable) Rasp-UI 0.13 (WindowManager) MPlayer 1.0rc4 Firefox 3.5.4 (Japanese and English) Wine 1.1.29 rxvt-unicode 9.06

Berry Linux 0.98 from Wed Jun 24 2009 to Mon Sep 14 2009 Based on Fedora 11

Kernel SMP + ndev/udev > squashfs 4.0 > unionfs 2.5.2 > ndiswrapper 1.54 glibc 2.10.1 gcc 4.4.1 Busybox 1.14.2

KDE 4.3.0 (Fedora 11/Stable) Rasp-UI 0.12 (WindowManager) OpenOffice 3.1.1 (Japanese and English) Firefox 3.5.3 (Japanese and English) Thunderbird (Japanese and English) Samba 3.3.2 Wine 1.1.23 xlockmore 5.28 Removed Digikam 0.10.0

Berry Linux 0.97 from Sat Apr 25 2009 to Mon Jun 22 2009

KDE 4.2.3 (Fedora 10/Stable) Rasp-UI 0.11 (WindowManager) OpenOffice 3.1.0 (Japanese and English) Xine 0.99.5 (xine-lib Firefox 3.0.11 (Japanese and English) Samba 3.2.11

Berry Linux 0.96 from Mon Mar 2 2009 to Fri Apr 10 2009 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash

KDE 4.2.1 (Fedora 10/Stable) Xine 0.99.5 (xine-lib Firefox 3.0.8 (Japanese and English) Thunderbird (Japanese and English) Samba 3.2.8 Wine 1.1.15

Berry Linux 0.95 from Thu Jan 15 2009 to Thu Jan 29 2009 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash > xorg-x11-drv-nvidia 180.27

KDE 4.1.4 (Fedora 10/Stable) OpenOffice 3.0.1 (Japanese and English) Flash Player Thunderbird (Japanese and English) Samba 3.2.7 Wine 1.1.12

Berry Linux 0.94 from Sun Dec 7 2008 to Mon Dec 29 2008 Based on Fedora 10

Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash glibc 2.9 gcc 4.3.2

KDE 4.1.3 (Fedora 10/Stable) AIGLX/X.Org 7.4 Digikam 0.10.0 Flash Player Firefox 3.0.5 (Japanese and English) Inkscape 0.46 Samba 3.2.5 Wine 1.1.9

Berry Linux 0.93 from Mon Oct 13 2008 to Tue Nov 25 2008 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash > aufs-20080814 or unionfs 2.5 > fuse 2.7.4 + sshfs + ntfs-3g > xorg-x11-drv-nvidia 96.43.09

KDE 4.1.2 (Fedora 9/Stable) OpenOffice 3.0 (Japanese and English) GIMP Version 2.6.3 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Firefox 3.0.4 (Japanese and English) Thunderbird (Japanese and English) Samba 3.2.4 Wine 1.1.5

IPA Fonts 00103

Berry Linux 0.92 from Tue Jul 22 2008 to Sat Sep 27 2008 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash > squashfs 3.4 > aufs-20080814 or unionfs 2.4 > ndiswrapper 1.53 > xorg-x11-drv-nvidia 96.43.07 kudzu 1.2.85 hwdata 0.215

KDE 4.1.1 (Fedora 9/Stable) Rasp-UI 0.09 (WindowManager) GIMP Version 2.4.7 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Xine 0.99.5 (xine-lib 1.1.15) K3b 1.0.5 Digikam 0.9.4 Firefox 3.0.3 (Japanese and English) Thunderbird (Japanese and English) Samba 3.2.3 rxvt-unicode 9.05

Berry Linux 0.91 from Sat May 17 2008 to Mon Jul 7 2008 Based on Fedora 9

> aufs-20080129 or unionfs 2.3.3 glibc 2.8 gcc 4.3.0 Removed InitNG (+initng-is for isplash)

KDE 4.0.5 (Fedora 9/Stable) AIGLX/X.Org 7.3 Removed Compiz-Fusion 0.6.99 Rasp-UI 0.08 (WindowManager) Xine 0.99.5 (xine-lib 1.1.14) Sylpheed 2.5.0 (Japanese and English) Timidity++ 2.13.2 + 8MBGM E-Mu APS Inkscape 0.45 Tvtime 1.0.2 Samba 3.2.0 Wine 1.0

PCSX-df 1.818

Berry Linux 0.90 from Thu Apr 17 2008 to Fri May 16 2008

Xine 0.99.5 (xine-lib 1.1.12) Firefox (Japanese and English) Thunderbird (Japanese and English) Whiz 0.57 (Eri) + Kimera 1.40+

Zsnes 1.51 & Packman

Berry Linux 0.89 from Mon Feb 25 2008 to Wed Apr 9 2008 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash > aufs-20080129 or unionfs 2.2.3 > fuse 2.7.3 + sshfs + ntfs-3g

KDE 3.5.9 (Fedora 8/Stable) Rasp-UI 0.07 (WindowManager) GIMP Version 2.4.5 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Xine 0.99.5 (xine-lib Firefox (Japanese and English) Thunderbird (Japanese and English) Samba 3.0.28a Wine 0.9.58 rxvt-unicode 9.02

Berry Linux 0.88 from Sat Dec 15 2007 to Thu Feb 14 2008 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash > squashfs 3.3 > unionfs 2.2.3 > ndiswrapper 1.52 > madwifi 0.9.4

Rasp-UI 0.06 (WindowManager) GIMP Version 2.4.4 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Xine 0.99.5 (xine-lib K3b 1.0.4 Digikam 0.9.3 Firefox (Japanese and English) Samba 3.0.28 Wine 0.9.54 rxvt-unicode 8.9

Removed YOzFont 9.40 Systema Font 2.1 M+ BITMAP FONTS

Berry Linux 0.87 from Sun Nov 25 2007 to Wed Dec 5 2007 Based on Fedora 8

> fuse 2.7.0 + sshfs + ntfs-3g Removed > xorg-x11-drv-fglrx 8.33.6 glibc 2.7

KDE 3.5.8 (Fedora 8/Stable) AIGLX/X.Org 7.2 + Compiz-Fusion 0.6.99 GIMP Version 2.4.2 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Kaffeine 0.8.3 Digikam 0.9.2 Firefox (Japanese and English) Tvtime 1.0.1 Samba 3.0.27a Wine 0.9.49 KPDF 0.5.8 Removed SIM 0.9.4

Berry Linux 0.86 from Wed Oct 31 2007 to Thu Nov 15 2007 KDE 3.5.8 (Fedora 7/Stable) GIMP Version 2.4.1 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) K3b 1.0.3 Firefox (Japanese and English) Thunderbird (Japanese and English) Whiz 0.56 (Hydra) + Kimera 1.40+ Wine 0.9.48

Berry Linux 0.85 from Thu Oct 11 2007 to Thu Oct 25 2007 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash > ndiswrapper 1.48 > madwifi

MPlayer 1.0rc2 Xine 0.99.5 (xine-lib 1.1.8) Firefox (Japanese and English) Whiz 0.55 (Bootes) + Kimera 1.40 Wine 0.9.46

Berry Linux 0.84 from Fri Aug 31 2007 to Fri Sep 21 2007 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash

Firefox (Japanese and English) Wine 0.9.44

Berry Linux 0.83 from Fri Jul 20 2007 to Thu Aug 16 2007 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash > madwifi InitNG (+initng-is for isplash)

GIMP Version 2.2.17 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) MPlayer 1.0rc1try3 Flash Player 9.0.48 Firefox (Japanese and English) Thunderbird (Japanese and English) Wine 0.9.42 KPDF 0.5.7 Vi IMproved 7.1

Berry Linux 0.82 from Mon Jun 18 2007 to Mon Jul 9 2007 Based on Fedora 7

Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash > ndiswrapper 1.47 > madwifi > xorg-x11-drv-fglrx 8.33.6 glibc 2.6 gcc 4.1.2 Busybox 1.5.1

KDE 3.5.7 (Fedora 7/Stable) AIGLX/X.Org 7.2 + Beryl 0.2.1 OpenOffice 2.2.1 (Japanese and English) K3b 1.0.1 Digikam 0.9.1 Flash Player 9.0.31 Samba 3.0.25 Wine 0.9.39

Berry Linux 0.81 from Mon Apr 30 2007 to Tue Jun 12 2007 > fuse 2.6.5 + sshfs + ntfs-3g > xorg-x11-drv-nvidia 1.0.9639 > xorg-x11-drv-fglrx 8.37.6 kudzu 1.2.71 hwdata 0.200

Rasp-UI 0.05 (WindowManager) Audacious 1.3.2 (Plugins 1.3.5) GIMP Version 2.2.15 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Xine 0.99.5 (xine-lib 1.1.7) Wine 0.9.36

Berry Linux 0.80 from Sun Apr 1 2007 to Sun Apr 22 2007 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash kudzu 1.2.67 hwdata 0.199

AIGLX/X.Org 7.1 + Beryl 0.2.0 OpenOffice 2.2 (Japanese and English) Xine 0.99.4 (xine-lib 1.1.5) Firefox (Japanese and English) Sylpheed 2.3.1 (Japanese and English) Whiz 0.54 (Lepus) + Kimera 1.40 Wine 0.9.32

Berry Linux 0.79 from Thu Feb 1 2007 to Wed Mar 7 2007 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash > squashfs 3.2-r2 > unionfs 2.0 > fuse 2.6.3 + sshfs + ntfs-3g > ndiswrapper 1.38

KDE 3.5.6 (Fedora Core 6/Stable) AIGLX/X.Org 7.1 + Beryl 0.2.0rc1 Xine 0.99.4 (xine-lib 1.1.4) Firefox (Japanese and English) Thunderbird (Japanese and English) Samba 3.0.24 Wine 0.9.31

Berry Linux 0.78 from Tue Jan 2 2007 to Thu Jan 18 2007 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash > squashfs 3.2 > fuse 2.6.1 + sshfs + ntfs-3g

AIGLX/X.Org 7.1 + Beryl 0.1.4 Xine 0.99.4 (xine-lib 1.1.3) Wine 0.9.29 KPDF 0.5.5 Vi IMproved 7.0

Removed Xgl Removed DirectFB 1.0.0-rc1 / Qingy 0.9.3

Berry Linux 0.77 from Thu Dec 7 2006 to Mon Dec 25 2006 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash > ndiswrapper 1.32 > madwifi > xorg-x11-drv-nvidia 1.0.9629

Xgl/AIGLX/X.Org 7.1 + Beryl 0.1.3 DirectFB 1.0.0-rc1 / Qingy 0.9.3 OpenOffice 2.1 (Japanese and English) K3b 0.12.17 Firefox (Japanese and English) Wine 0.9.27

Berry Linux 0.76 from Thu Nov 2 2006 to Sun Nov 19 2006 Based on Fedora Core 6

Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash > unionfs 1.4 > fuse > xorg-x11-drv-nvidia 1.0.9625 Removed xorg-x11-drv-fglrx 8.29.6 glibc 2.5 kudzu 1.2.57-1 hwdata 0.191 Busybox

KDE 3.5.5 (Fedora Core 6/Stable) Xgl/AIGLX/X.Org 7.1 + Beryl 0.1.2 OpenOffice 2.0.4 (Japanese and English) MPlayer 1.0rc1 Firefox (Japanese and English) Thunderbird (Japanese and English) Wine 0.9.25

Berry Linux 0.75 from Sun Oct 1 2006 to Tue Oct 31 2006 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash > madwifi 0.9.2 > xorg-x11-drv-nvidia 1.0.8774 > xorg-x11-drv-fglrx 8.29.6

DirectFB 1.0.0-rc1 / Qingy 0.9.1 Whiz 0.53 (Pisces) + Kimera 1.32 Wine 0.9.23 Removed SCIM 1.4.5 + SCIM-Whiz 0.03

Berry Linux 0.74 from Tue Aug 29 2006 to Fri Sep 22 2006 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash glibc 2.4.11 squashfs 3.1-r2 ndiswrapper 1.23

Audacious 1.1.2 GIMP Version 2.2.13 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Firefox (Japanese and English) Thunderbird (Japanese and English) Wine 0.9.21 KPDF 0.5.4 Removed XDirectFB 1.0 (directfb 0.9.23) Removed Beep Media Player

XANO-Mincho 2004 Zsnes 1.42 & Packman

Berry Linux 0.73 from Thu Jun 29 2006 to Mon Aug 28 2006 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash

KDE 3.5.4 (Fedora Core 5/Stable) Rasp-UI 0.04 (WindowManager) GIMP Version 2.2.12 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Xine 0.99.4 (xine-lib 1.1.2) Digikam 0.8.2 Firefox (Japanese and English) Thunderbird (Japanese and English) Wine 0.9.19 KPDF 0.5.3

YOzFont 9.40 Aoyagikouzan Font & Gyosho 2 Decoration Fonts 0.01

Berry Linux 0.72 from Thu Jun 29 2006 to Mon Jul 24 2006 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash squashfs 3.0 unionfs 1.1.5 ndiswrapper 1.19 InitNG 0.6.7 (+initng-is for isplash)

KDE 3.5.3 (Fedora Core 5/Stable) Rasp-UI 0.03 (WindowManager) OpenOffice 2.0.3 (Japanese and English) Wine 0.9.17

Berry Linux 0.71 from Sun May 21 2006 to Mon Jun 19 2006 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash gcc 4.1.1 kudzu hwdata 0.177 ndiswrapper 1.17

MPlayer 1.0pre8 Firefox (Japanese and English) Thunderbird (Japanese and English) Sylpheed 2.2.5 (Japanese and English) Wine 0.9.15 SIM 0.9.4

Berry Linux 0.70 from Wed Apr 19 2006 to Fri May 19 2006 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash

KDE 3.5.2 (Fedora Core 5/Stable) Xgl/X.Org 7.0 + Bold Patch GIMP Version 2.2.11 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Firefox (Japanese and English) Thunderbird (Japanese and English) Wine 0.9.13

Berry Linux 0.69 from Tue Mar 21 2006 to Tue Apr 18 2006 Based on Fedora Core 5

Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash glibc 2.4.4 gcc 4.1.0 unionfs 1.1.4 ndiswrapper 1.13 InitNG 0.6.0

KDE 3.5.1 (Fedora Core 5/Stable) X.Org 7.0 + Bold Patch Digikam 0.8.1 Firefox (Japanese and English) Wine 0.9.11

Berry Linux 0.68 from Thu Feb 23 2006 to Tue Mar 21 2006 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash unionfs 1.1.3 ndiswrapper 1.10

Rasp-UI 0.02 (WindowManager) OpenOffice 2.0.2 (Japanese and English) Xine 0.99.4 (xine-lib 1.1.1) K3b 0.12.14 Whiz 0.52 (Indus) + SCIM 1.4.4 + SCIM-Whiz 0.03 Wine 0.9.10

Berry Linux 0.67 from Sun Dec 29 2005 to Tue Feb 14 2006 Kernel SMP + ndev/udev + bootsplash kudzu 1.2.25 hwdata 0.174

KDE 3.5.1 (Fedora Core 4/Stable) Rasp-UI 0.01 (WindowManager) Removed Fluxbox 0.9.13 (Fedora Core 4) GIMP Version 2.2.10 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Firefox (Japanese and English) Thunderbird 1.5 (Japanese and English) Sylpheed 2.0.4 (Japanese and English) Inkscape 0.43 Wine 0.9.2

Berry Linux 0.66 from Sun Dec 18 2005 to Sat Dec 24 2005 Kernel SMP + udev + bootsplash ndiswrapper 1.7

KDE 3.5 (Fedora Core 4/Stable) OpenOffice 2.0.1 (Japanese and English) Digikam 0.8.0

Berry Linux 0.65 from Tue Nov 15 2005 to Wed Dec 7 2005 Kernel SMP + udev + bootsplash gcc 4.0.2 Removed rhgb 0.16.2 InitNG 0.4.0

KDE 3.5 (Fedora Core 4/Unstable) Removed XMMS 1.2.10j (2004.4.15) MPlayer 1.0pre7try2 Firefox 1.5 (Japanese and English) Thunderbird 1.5rc1 (Japanese and English) Removed Mozilla 1.7.12 (Japanese and English) Inkscape 0.42 Removed Sodipodi 0.34

Berry Linux 0.64 from Mon Oct 17 2005 to Sat Nov 5 2005 Kernel 2.6.14 SMP + udev + bootsplash unionfs 1.1.1 ndiswrapper 1.5

OpenOffice 2.0 (Japanese and English) Beep Media Player GIMP Version 2.2.9 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Kaffeine 0.7.1 K3b 0.12.4a

Removed Snes9x 1.42 Zsnes 1.42

Berry Linux 0.63 from Wed Sep 7 2005 to Wed Sep 28 2005 Based on Fedora Core 4

OpenOffice 2.0 Beta 2 (Japanese and English) Mozilla 1.7.12 (Japanese and English) Firefox 1.0.7 (Japanese and English) Whiz 0.51 (Delphinus) + SCIM 1.4.2 + SCIM-Whiz 0.02

Berry Linux 0.62 from Mon Aug 15 2005 to Wed Aug 31 2005 Kernel SMP + udev + bootsplash kudzu 1.1.119 hwdata 0.164 ndiswrapper 1.3rc1

XDirectFB 1.0 (directfb 0.9.23) Digikam 0.7.4 Whiz 0.50 (Sagittarius) + SCIM 1.4.2

Berry Linux 0.61 from Sat Jul 27 2005 to Thu Aug 4 2005 Kernel SMP + udev + bootsplash gcc 4.0.1

KDE 3.4.2 (Fedora Core 4/Stable) K3b 0.12.2 Mozilla 1.7.10 (Japanese and English) Firefox 1.0.6 (Japanese and English) Whiz 0.49 (Monoceros) + SCIM 1.4.0

Berry Linux 0.60 from Sat Jul 2 2005 to Wed Jul 20 2005 Based on Fedora Core 4, Knoppix 3.8 Kernel SMP + devfs + bootsplash squashfs 2.2

Fluxbox 0.9.13 (Fedora Core 4) GIMP Version 2.2.8 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) MPlayer 1.0pre7 K3b 0.12 TextMaker & PlanMaker Removed SIM 0.9.3

Removed Kotori Font 2.11

Berry Linux 0.59 from Sat Jun 4 2005 to Sun Jun 19 2005 Kernel 2.6.12 SMP + devfs + bootsplash unionfs 1.0.12a

KDE 3.4.1 (Fedora Core 3/Stable) Whiz 0.49 (Monoceros) + SCIM 1.3.0 + SCIM-Whiz 0.01

Berry Linux 0.58 from Fri Apr 22 2005 to Sun May 22 2005 Kernel SMP + devfs + bootsplash hwdata 0.158

X.Org 6.8.2 + Bold Patch GIMP Version 2.2.7 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) K3b 0.11.24 Digikam 0.7.2 Mozilla 1.7.8 (Japanese and English) Firefox 1.0.4 (Japanese and English) Tvtime 0.9.15 Removed Midnight Commander 4.6.0

Aqua Font 2.8 Mikachan Font 9.1 YOzFont 9.18

Berry Linux 0.57 from Tue Apr 5 2005 to Sun Apr 17 2005 Kernel SMP + devfs + bootsplash glibc 2.3.5 gcc 4.0.0 Removed cloop 2.01 (Orignal version for Kenel 2.6) squashfs 2.1 ndiswrapper 1.1

GIMP Version 2.2.6 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) K3b 0.11.23

Berry Linux 0.56 from Fri Mar 25 2005 to Mon Mar 28 2005 Based on Fedora Core 3, Knoppix 3.8 unionfs 1.0.11 Removed mini_fo 0.1

Mozilla 1.7.6 (Japanese and English) Firefox 1.0.2 (Japanese and English)

Berry Linux 0.55 from Thu Mar 17 2005 to Wed Mar 23 2005

KDE 3.4 (Fedora Core 3/Stable) K3b 0.11.22

Berry Linux 0.54 from Sun Feb 27 2005 to Mon Mar 14 2005 Based on Fedora Core 3, Knoppix 3.7 kudzu 1.1.111 hwdata 0.152

Fluxbox 0.9.10 (Fedora Core 3) OpenOffice 2.0beta (Japanese and English) GIMP Version 2.2.4 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Firefox 1.0.1 (Japanese and English) Whiz 0.49 (Monoceros) + SCIM 1.2.1 Timidity++ 2.13.2

Removed Konatsu 20040901

Berry Linux 0.53 from Mon Jan 17 2005 to Mon Feb 14 2005 Kernel 2.6.9 SMP + devfs + bootsplash ndiswrapper 1.0

X.Org 6.8.1 + Bold Patch Fluxbox 0.9.11 (Fedora Core 3) OpenOffice 1.1.4 (Japanese and English) GIMP Version 2.2.3 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) K3b 0.11.20 Whiz 0.49 (Monoceros) + SCIM 1.1.3 SIM 0.9.3

Berry Linux 0.52 from Sun Dec 19 2004 to Fri Jan 14 2005 glibc 2.3.4

Beep Media Player 0.9.7 GIMP Version 2.2.1 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) MPlayer 1.0pre6a Xine 0.99.3 (xine-lib 1.0) K3b 0.11.18 Digikam 0.7.1 Mozilla 1.7.5 (Japanese and English) Whiz 0.49 (Monoceros) + SCIM 1.0.2

Berry Linux 0.51 from Thu Nov 18 2004 to Mon Dec 13 2004 Based on Fedora Core 3, Knoppix 3.6 mini_fo 0.1 Removed translucency 0.7 (Orignal version for Kenel 2.6)

KDE 3.3.2 (Fedora Core 3/Stable) OpenOffice 1.1.3 (Japanese and English) Digikam 0.7

IPA Fonts Removed Kochi Mincho & Gothic

Berry Linux 0.50 from Mon Oct 25 2004 to Sat Nov 13 2004 Kernel 2.6.9 + devfs + bootsplash hwdata 0.145 translucency 0.7 (Orignal version for Kenel 2.6)

Beep Media Player 0.9.7rc2 GIMP Version 2.0.6 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Xine 0.99.2 (xine-lib 1-rc7) K3b 0.11.17 Firefox 1.0 (Japanese and English)

YOzFont 9.10 Konatsu 20040901 Aoyagikouzan Font 2

Berry Linux 0.49 from Tue Oct 5 2004 to Tue Oct 19 2004 Kernel 2.6.9-rc4 + devfs + bootsplash

KDE 3.3.1 (Fedora Core 2/Stable) GIMP Version 2.0.5 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Xine 0.99.2 (xine-lib 1-rc6a) Firefox 0.10.1 (English)

Berry Linux 0.48 from Thu Sep 9 2004 to Sat Sep 25 2004 Based on Fedora Core 2, Knoppix 3.6 kudzu 1.1.90 hwdata 0.132

X.Org 6.8.1 Fluxbox 0.9.10 (Fedora Core 2) K3b 0.11.16 Mozilla 1.7.3 (Fedora Core 2/English) Firefox 1.0PR (English) Removed Tgif 4.1.43

Berry Linux 0.47 from Tue Aug 7 2004 to Sun Sep 5 2004 Kernel 2.6.8 + devfs

KDE 3.3.0 (Fedora Core 2/Stable) OpenOffice 1.1.2 (Japanese and English) GIMP Version 2.0.4 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) K3b 0.11.13 Mozilla 1.7.2 (Fedora Core 2/English) Firefox 0.9.3 (English)

Berry Linux 0.46 from Mon Jul 12 2004 to Wed Jul 28 2004 Kernel 2.6.8-rc1 + devfs gcc 3.4.1 kudzu 1.1.72 hwdata 0.122

Fluxbox 0.9.9 (Fedora Core 2) GIMP Version 2.0.3 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Mozilla 1.7 (Fedora Core 2/Japanese and English) Firefox 0.9.1 (Japanese and English) Sylpheed 0.9.12 (Japanese and English) Whiz 0.48 (Andromeda) Timidity++ 2.13.0

Berry Linux 0.45 from Thu Jul 1 2004 to Thu Jul 8 2004 Kernel 2.6.7-bk20 + devfs

GIMP Version 2.0.2 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Xine 0.99.2 (xine-lib 1-rc5) K3b 0.11.12

Berry Linux 0.44 from Thu Jun 10 2004 to Wed Jun 23 2004 Kernel 2.6.7-rc1 + devfs kudzu 1.1.70 hwdata 0.121

KDE 3.2.3 (Fedora Core 2/Stable) Fluxbox 0.9.9 (Fedora Core 1) OpenOffice 1.1.1 (Japanese and English) GIMP Version 2.0.1 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program) Xine 0.99.1 (xine-lib 1-rc5) Mozilla 1.7 (Fedora Core 2) Sodipodi 0.34 Midnight Commander 4.6.0

Kotori Font 2.11

Berry Linux 0.43 from Sat May 15 2004 to Mon May 24 2004 Based on Fedora Core 2, Knoppix 3.4

Kernel 2.6.6 + devfs gcc 3.3.3 kudzu 1.1.67 hwdata 0.118

Xine 0.99.1 (xine-lib 1-rc4a) Removed X-CD-Roast 0.98 alpha 15 K3b 0.11.9

Snes9x 1.42

Berry Linux 0.42 from Sat May 1 2004 to Wed May 5 2004 Kernel 2.6.6-rc3 + devfs hwdata 0.117

KDE 3.2.2 (Fedora Core 1/Stable) X.Org 6.7.0 MPlayer 1.0pre4 Whiz 0.47 (Taw)

Berry Linux 0.41 from Tue Apr 13 2004 to Sat Apr 17 2004 Fluxbox 0.9.8 XMMS 1.2.10j (2004.4.15) MPlayer 1.0pre3try2 Xine 0.99.1

Berry Linux 0.40 from Sun Apr 4 2004 to Wed Apr 7 2004 Kernel 2.6.5 + devfs kudzu 1.1.54 hwdata 0.114

GIMP Version 2.0.0 (Gnu Image Manipulation Program)

Berry Linux 0.39 from Sun Mar 21 2004 to Wed Mar 24 2004 Kernel 2.6.5-rc2 + devfs kudzu 1.1.53 hwdata 0.113

Berry Linux 0.38 from Sun Feb 29 2004 to Thu Mar 11 2004 Kernel 2.6.4 + devfs hwdata 0.109

KDE 3.2.1 (Fedora Core 1/Stable) XMMS 1.2.10j (2004.3.2) Whiz 0.46 (Shin)

Mikachan Font 9.0

Berry Linux 0.37 from Sat Feb 14 2004 to Sat Feb 21 2004 Based on Fedora Core 2-test1, Knoppix 3.3

Kernel 2.6.3 + devfs glibc 2.3.3 kudzu 1.1.43 hwdata 0.105

Whiz 0.45 (Rehsh)

Berry Linux 0.36 from Tue Jan 27 2004 to Wed Feb 4 2004 Kernel 2.6.2-rc3 + devfs hwdata 0.104

KDE 3.2 (Fedora Core 1/Stable) XMMS 1.2.9j (2004.1.31) Xine 0.9.23 Whiz 0.44 (Qohph)

YOzFont 8.20

Berry Linux 0.35 from Mon Jan 19 2004 to Wed Jan 21 2004 Kernel 2.6.1 + devfs cloop 2.01 (Orignal version for Kenel 2.6)

Mozilla 1.6 (Fedora Core 1) Whiz 0.43 (Tsadheh)

Berry Linux 0.34 from Wed Dec 31 2003 to Thu Jan 8 2004 Kernel 2.4.24 + devfs + bootsplash

Whiz 0.42 (Pe)

Berry Linux 0.33 from Fri Dec 12 2003 to Sat Dec 13 2003 kudzu 1.1.40

MPlayer 1.0pre3 Whiz 0.41 (Ayin)

Berry Linux 0.32 from Fri Nov 28 2003 to Thu Dec 4 2003 Kernel 2.4.23 + devfs + bootsplash

Whiz 0.40 (Samekh) Mine Sweeper 0.01

Berry Linux 0.31 from Mon Nov 24 2003 to Thu Nov 27 2003

Whiz 0.39 (Nun)

Berry Linux 0.30 from Mon Nov 17 2003 to Wed Nov 19 2003 Kernel 2.4.23-rc1 + devfs + bootsplash hwdata 0.101

Whiz 0.38 (Mem)

Berry Linux 0.29 from Fri Nov 7 2003 to Tue Nov 11 2003 Based on Fedora Core 1, Knoppix 3.3 gcc 3.3.2

X-CD-Roast 0.98 alpha 15 Whiz 0.37 (Lamedh)

Berry Linux 0.28 from Mon Oct 27 2003 to Thu Oct 30 2003 kudzu 1.1.34 hwdata 0.100

OpenOffice 1.1 Mozilla 1.5 (Red Hat 9.x) Whiz 0.35 (Yohdh)

Berry Linux 0.27 from Fri Oct 24 2003 to Sat Oct 25 2003

Gnu Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) Version 1.2.5 Whiz 0.34 (Tehth)

Berry Linux 0.26 Omega from Tue Oct 7 2003 to Mon Oct 13 2003 Kernel 2.4.23-pre7 + devfs + bootsplash hwdata 0.99

XMMS 1.2.8j (2003.10.4) MPlayer 1.0pre2 Whiz 0.33 (Chehth)

Berry Linux 0.25 Psi from Sat Sep 27 2003 to Fri Oct 3 2003 Based on Red Hat 9.0.93 (Severn), Knoppix 3.3

Mozilla 1.5rc2 (Red Hat 9.x) Tgif 4.1.43 Whiz 0.32 (Zayin)

Miss Driller 0.05 Removed Frozen Bubble

Berry Linux 0.24 Chi from Sun Sep 21 2003 to Thu Sep 25 2003 Kernel 2.4.23-pre5 + devfs + bootsplash

Mozilla 1.5rc1 (Red Hat 9.x) Whiz 0.31 (Waw)

Kotori Font 2.1

Berry Linux 0.23 Phi from Sat Sep 13 2003 to Wed Sep 17 2003 hwdata 0.97

KDE 3.1.4 (Red Hat 9.0/Stable) Whiz 0.30 (He)

Berry Linux 0.22 Upsilon from Sun Sep 7 2003 to Mon Sep 8 2003

XMMS 1.2.8j (2003.9.6) MPlayer 1.0pre1 Whiz 0.29 (Daleth)

Berry Linux 0.21 Tau from Sat Aug 30 2003 to Wed Sep 3 2003 hwdata 0.92

Whiz 0.28 (Gimel)

Berry Linux 0.20 Sigma from Fri Aug 22 2003 to Wed Aug 27 2003 gcc 3.3.1

Whiz 0.27 (Behth)

Berry Linux 0.19 Rho from Fri Aug 15 2003 to Sun Aug 17 2003 Based on Red Hat 9.0.93 (Severn), Knoppix 3.2 gcc 3.3

Whiz 0.26 (Aleph)

Mikachan Font 8.9

Berry Linux 0.18 Pi from Sat Aug 9 2003 to Fri Aug 15 2003 kudzu 1.1.15

XMMS 1.2.7j (2003.8.12) MPlayer 0.91 Whiz 0.25 (Omega)

Berry Linux 0.17 Omicron from Wed Jul 30 2003 to Wed Aug 6 2003

KDE 3.1.3 (Red Hat 9.0/Stable) Whiz 0.23 (Chi)

Berry Linux 0.16 Xi from Fri Jul 25 2003 to Mon Jul 28 2003

Whiz 0.22 (Phi)

Berry Linux 0.15 Nu from Fri Jul 18 2003 to Sun Jul 20 2003 kudzu 1.1.13 hwdata 0.89

Whiz 0.18 (Rho) Frozen Bubble

Berry Linux 0.14 Mu from Sat Jul 12 2003 to Mon Jul 14 2003 Kernel 2.4.22-pre5 + devfs + bootsplash

Removed Canna 3.6 Whiz 0.17 (Pi) alpha

Berry Linux 0.13 Lambda from Mon Jul 7 2003 to Mon Jul 7 2003 Kernel 2.4.22-pre3 + devfs + bootsplash

Whiz 0.15 (Xi)

Berry Linux 0.12 Kappa from Wed Jul 2 2003 to Thu Jul 3 2003 Kernel 2.4.22-pre2 + devfs + bootsplash

Mozilla 1.4 (Red Hat 8.x) Whiz 0.14 (Nu)

Berry Linux 0.11 Iota from Wed Jun 25 2003 to Fri Jun 27 2003 Kernel 2.4.22-pre2 + devfs

Whiz 0.12 (Lambda) Timidity++ 2.11

Berry Linux 0.10 Theta from Mon Jun 16 2003 to Tue Jun 17 2003 Kernel 2.4.21 + devfs

Whiz 0.09 (Theta)

YOzFontK 3.00

Berry Linux 0.09 Eta from Sun Jun 1 2003 to Wed Jun 4 2003 Kernel 2.4.21-rc7 + devfs

X-CD-Roast 0.98 alpha 14

Berry Linux 0.08 Zeta from Sat May 24 2003 to Tue May 27 2003 Kernel 2.4.21-rc4 + devfs

XMMS 1.2.7j (2003.5.2) Xine 0.9.21 Mozilla 1.2.1

Kotori Font 2.03

Berry Linux 0.07 Epsilon from Thu May 22 2003 to Fri May 23 2003 Based on Knoppix 3.2 Kernel 2.4.21-rc3 + devfs

KDE 3.1.2 (Red Hat 9.0/Stable)

Berry Linux 0.06 Delta from Sun May 11 2003 to Mon May 12 2003

Aqua Font

Berry Linux 0.05 Gamma from Sun May 4 2003 to Sat May 10 2003 Kernel 2.4.21-rc2 + devfs

KDE 3.1.1 (Red Hat 9.0/Stable)

Berry Linux 0.04 Beta from Mon Apr 28 2003 to Sat May 3 2003

atmelwlandriver 2.1.1 Canna 3.6

Berry Linux 0.03 Alpha from Thu Apr 24 2003 to Sun Apr 27 2003

Kernel 2.4.21-rc1 + devfs glibc 2.3.2

KDE 3.1.1 (Red Hat 8.0/Stable) XFree86 4.3 OpenOffice 1.0.2 XMMS 1.2.7j (2003.1.7) Gnu Image Manipulation Program (GIMP) Version 1.2.3 MPlayer 0.90 X-CD-Roast 0.98 alpha 13-1 (Red Hat 8.0)

Berry Linux 0.02 Beta from Mon Apr 14 2003 to Wed Apr 23 2003 Based on Red Hat 9.0

Berry Linux 0.01 Beta from Wed Nov 20 2002 to Sun Apr 13 2003 Based on Red Hat 8.0, and Knoppix 3.1j


No Changelogs