BackPackは、XOOPS専用のデータベース操作モジュールで、 MySQLのバックアップ・リストアを行うことが出来ます。バックアップは、サイト全体・モジュール別・テーブル別に行うことが出来、Big Dump対応によりデータ容量が多い場合は複数のバックアップファイルを作成してバックアップを取ることが可能です。
v0.94 2009/07/27 - Add "SET NAMES" for EUC-JP on MySQL 5.1.33. Other language (except UTF-8) set at restore.php
v0.1 2005/01/05 - Initial release
v0.2 2005/01/05 - Add French (Thx Outch),TChinese (Thx languages.
v0.3 2005/02/06 - Add optimizer.php
v0.4 2005/02/09 - Support cross compatibility with phpMyAdmin.
Rev.a 2005/02/13 - Change function set_time_limit(180) to @set_time_limit(300).
Rev.b 2005/02/13 - Output dummy header for browser timeout.
Rev.c 2005/02/14 - Add Flush,Lock and Unlock tables during backup.
Rev.d 2005/02/17 - Bugfix about skip comments process in restore.
Rev.e 2005/06/05 - Bugfix about GET parameter on backup.
Rev.f 2005/06/17 - Update French by Outch.
Rev.g 2005/07/25 - Add a define TIME_LIMIT for set_time_limit.
v0.5 2005/08/07 - Add a Module Backup function.
v0.6 2005/09/03 - Bugfix CREATE TABLE at (line 229).
v0.61 2005/09/05 - Update French language by seb75net.
v0.7 2005/09/09 - Bugfix LF to CR+LF at CREATE SQL strings in (line 65).
v0.71 2005/11/03 - Add Big TChinese (Thx languages.
v0.8 2006/02/15 - Security update for vulnerability of system globals. Bugfix for backup buffer. Add Content-Encoding for gzip.
v0.81 2006/02/19 - Support XOOPS2.2.x for admin menu.
v0.82 2006/04/18 - Support MySQL Under ver.4.0.2 for index type as FULLTEXT.
v0.83 2006/04/23 - Bugfix for compression using PMA_PHP_INT_VERSION.
v0.84 2006/07/07 - Prefix will be replaced to XOOPS_DB_PREFIX. Bugfix for output 'NULL' when the value is NULL.
v0.85 2006/10/10 - Accept DELETE command as sql syntax.
v0.86 2006/11/02 - Support restore from uploaded file.
v0.87 2006/12/03 - Changed tmp default to backpack/sql. It's for rental server.
Update French language by seb75net.
v0.88 2006/12/26 - Supported split downloading for big dump.
v0.88a 2007/06/26 - Fix French by seb75net.
v0.88b 2007/07/24 - Bugfix for make a zip file.
v0.89 2007/10/24 - Fix broken tag menu at IE6 on XOOPS Cube Legacy 2.1.
v0.90 2007/12/22 - Fix output header process at download.php. It passed with Xoops CL2.1 / Xoops / Xoops 2.0.16a.
v0.91 2008/03/10 - Added grave accent for key name as UNIQUE KEY / FULLTEXT. Thanks for reporting seb75net.
v0.92 2008/04/14 - Change "Content-Disposition: inline;" header to "attachment;" at download.php for Xoops 2.0.18.
v0.93 2008/04/25 - Security update for XSS Vulnerability at download.php.
v0.94 2009/07/27 - Add "SET NAMES" for EUC-JP on MySQL 5.1.33. Other language (except UTF-8) set at restore.php