Wed Oct 30 23:53:11 JST 2002
Hi! This is take_tk [Apollo-talk:35] Re: Late assignment of Delphi event handlers "repeater" <repea****@lucen*****> wrote: Short solution is add "self.on_click = nil" in MyPanel#initialize which teaches to apollo that on_click event is defined in this class. : -- : require 'phi' : class MyPanel < Phi::Panel : def on_click : p "MyPanel#on_click" : end : def initialize( *args ) : super( *args ) #added self.on_click = nil #++ to teach on_click is defined to apollo : end : end : : class SuperMyPanel < MyPanel : def initialize( *args ) : super( *args ) : end : end : : form = Phi::Form.new : SuperMyPanel.new form : form.show : Phi.mainloop : -- ---- I'm now discussing with Mr. moriq how to realise the inheritance system of modified event handlers in apollo. Basically to say, event handlers are not member of classes in Delphi. ie. TForm1.Button1Click is not member of TButton. So, inheritance system of event handler is not exist. But, in Delphi style, such modification of event handling is realized by overriding the "event handler caller" function. Such as TControl.Click. Under the circumstances, how to realize it in Apollo.. take_tk = kumagai hidetake