Mon Oct 21 10:29:43 JST 2002
This is tale_tk in [Apollo-talk:21] apollo problems "repeater" <repea****@lucen*****> wrote: > 2.) is it possible to use ruby 1.7 with apollo ? i've tried and failed (it > looks for that mswin32-ruby16.dll file, now named > mswin32-ruby17.dll. the directories containing "1.6" also changed name, it > seems) Moriq's patches from [ap-dev:0816] http://www.freeml.com/message/ap-de****@freem*****/0000816 > 2.) is it possible to use ruby 1.7 with apollo ? -- $(APOLLO)/src/ruby/type.pas: -- const RubyDLL = {$IFDEF LINUX} 'libruby.so' {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} 'mswin32-ruby16.dll' //'msvcrt-ruby17.dll' {$ENDIF} ; -- > Popupmenu > popup_component > popup_point -- uMenu.pas: - uIntern, uHandle, uAlloc, uProp, uPhi, + uIntern, uHandle, uAlloc, uProp, uPhi, uPoint, function PopupMenu_get_popup_point(This: Tvalue): Tvalue; cdecl; var real: TPopupMenu; begin real := ap_data_get_struct(This); result := ap_iPoint(real.PopupPoint, This); end; function PopupMenu_get_popup_component(This: Tvalue): Tvalue; cdecl; var real: TPopupMenu; Component: TComponent; begin real := ap_data_get_struct(This); Component := real.PopupComponent; if Component = nil then result := Qnil else result := Component.tag ; end; function PopupMenu_set_popup_component(This, v: Tvalue): Tvalue; cdecl; var real: TPopupMenu; Component: TComponent; begin real := ap_data_get_struct(This); ap_data_get_object(v, TComponent, Component); real.PopupComponent := Component; result := v; end; DefineAttrGet(cPopupMenu, 'popup_point', PopupMenu_get_popup_point); DefineAttrGet(cPopupMenu, 'popup_component', PopupMenu_get_popup_component); DefineAttrSet(cPopupMenu, 'popup_component', PopupMenu_set_popup_component); -- > MenuItem > clear MenuItem_clear is already implemented. Can not you use it? > Shape > on_mouse_down > on_mouse_move > on_mouse_up Shape#event_handle is missing! uShape.pas: - uDefUtils, uIntern, uAlloc, uProp, uSizeConstraints, + uDefUtils, uIntern, uHandle, uAlloc, uProp, uSizeConstraints, function Shape_event_handle(This, name: Tvalue): Tvalue; cdecl; begin EventHandle(This, name, [Handle]); result := Qnil; end; rb_define_method(cShape, 'event_handle', @Shape_event_handle, 1); ---- Take_tk = KUMAGAI Hidetake