[Anthy-dev 1605] Re: why does 'event-to-character return nil for backspace?

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Mike FABIAN mfabi****@suse*****
2005年 1月 20日 (木) 00:10:56 JST

"Stephen J. Turnbull" <steph****@xemac*****> さんは書きました:

>>>>>> "Mike" == Mike FABIAN <mfabi****@suse*****> writes:
>     Mike> So why does
>     Mike>     (event-to-character (character-to-event 'backspace))
>     Mike> return nil?
> Gag me.  'backspace is a _keysym_ which does not map to a character in
> at all on a window system.  In particular, the character BS aka ASCII
> 0x08 aka C-H is the help character.  Apparently somebody decided it
> would be helpful to treat keysyms as characters in character-to-event,
> but only when it makes sense.
> I'm sorry, I'm not going to touch this one with a 3m cylinder with a
> 1.5cm diameter.  :-(

OK, thank you.

That probably means that my workaround for anthy.el is a reasonable

Mike FABIAN   <mfabi****@suse*****>   http://www.suse.de/~mfabian

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