Project Description

In the 1990s, in the Quake fever, numerous bot systems for player training emerged. The initialization of these bots along with the game was done by command line and, in order to facilitate the bot initialization, I created Starter, a program that facilitated the initialization of our bots. The program also managed screenshots, ping and connection on servers. The development in Delphi has numerous interesting techniques for the time and that still can be used, such as:

* Modularization in dlls
* Owner draw menus
* .rar file manipulation
* TCharts using
* Ping measurement
* Viewing images and HTML 3.0 files
* Integrated contextual help
* Execution of command line programs with customized parameters

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AngelFire MDK BOT Starter 2003
[SVN] Commit revision 7
- Arquivos de recurso para o OSDN
AngelFire MDK BOT Starter 2003
[SVN] Commit revision 6
- Arquivo dproj
AngelFire MDK BOT Starter 2003
[SVN] Commit revision 5
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AngelFire MDK BOT Starter 2003
[SVN] Commit revision 4
- Commit inicial - Contém todos os arquivos sem qualquer melhoria na estrutura de diretórios. Iss...
AngelFire MDK BOT Starter 2003
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