[Affelio-cvs 1199] CVS update: affelio

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Tadashi Okoshi slash****@users*****
2006年 3月 28日 (火) 18:15:21 JST

Index: affelio/upgrade.cgi
diff -u affelio/upgrade.cgi:1.6 affelio/upgrade.cgi:1.7
--- affelio/upgrade.cgi:1.6	Wed Mar 22 18:15:27 2006
+++ affelio/upgrade.cgi	Tue Mar 28 18:15:21 2006
@@ -69,6 +69,47 @@
+    #Create accesslog
+    ################################
+    {
+	my $query = 'SELECT * from AFuser_CORE_accesslog';
+        my $sth;
+	eval{
+	    $sth = $af->getDB->prepare($query);
+	    $sth->execute;
+	};
+	if($@){
+	    print "We confirmed that accesslog table does not exist.<BR>";
+	    print "So, We will make it<BR>";
+	    my $query = <<EOT;
+				   id2 INTEGER, 
+				   timestamp BIGINT, 
+				   nickname TEXT, 
+				   afid TEXT, 
+				   type TEXT)
+            my $sth;
+	    eval{
+		$sth = $af->getDB->prepare($query);
+		$sth->execute;
+	    };
+	    if($@){
+		print 'Error occured in creating the table<BR><BR>' .  $@;
+		exit(1);
+	    }
+	}else{
+	    #Application table already exists.
+	    #So, do nothing.
+	    print 'We confirmed that accesslog table already exists.<BR>';
+	    print 'So, We will do nothing.<BR>';
+	}
+    }#block
+    ################################
     #Create application table

Affelio-cvs メーリングリストの案内
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