Split from #44592. Still partly unconfirmed speculation that since player can continue current research even if they would not be able to start it any more, holes may appear in the tech tree if dependency tech for current research is lost but player still continues to finish the research.
I tried to produce such a situation by editing a dependency tech out from a savegame, but that only showed that upon loading the savegame sanity of the current research apparently IS checked. This makes the situation to sound even more serious -> it seems that rules are different for one continuing to play the game, and one doing save + load cycle.
Split from #44592. Still partly unconfirmed speculation that since player can continue current research even if they would not be able to start it any more, holes may appear in the tech tree if dependency tech for current research is lost but player still continues to finish the research.
I tried to produce such a situation by editing a dependency tech out from a savegame, but that only showed that upon loading the savegame sanity of the current research apparently IS checked. This makes the situation to sound even more serious -> it seems that rules are different for one continuing to play the game, and one doing save + load cycle.