Simple Project List Software Map

77 projects in result set
LastUpdate: 2009-03-20 06:24


Timebook is a small utility which aims to be a low-overhead way of tracking what you spend time on. It can be used to prepare annotated time logs of work for presentation to a client, or simply to track how you spend your free time.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2010-11-12 21:57

Task Timer Light

Task Timer Light is a simple, lightweight time tracking utility that allows you to start and stop a timer for each task or project you are working on. It will work on your local computer (with no Web server required) if you don't need saving. You can also install it on your PHP-enabled hosting service, and it will save logged timers so that you can continue them later. It is designed for one person's use.

LastUpdate: 2011-01-24 11:42


qomodoro is a cross-platform pomodoro timer.

LastUpdate: 2010-07-19 11:31

TaskFreak! Time Tracking

TaskFreak! Time Tracking is a multi-user Web application focusing on task planning and time tracking. There are no fancy features; it's a simple Web-based application that is easy to set up and very easy to use.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2013-04-29 22:06


ctt provides commandline time tracking for geeks.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2013-03-19 13:01

Status Reporter

Status Reporter is a time tracking application that was designed to track the time spent working on various activities associated with work breakdown structure (WBS) line items. Each activity is associated with a WBS line item, and a WBS line item is part of the overall departmental budget. Even though it was developed for a specific purpose, the ideas can be applied to almost any situation. For example, if you do not use WBS numbers, you could just create a single WBS number and associate all activities with it. Alternatively if you have multiple projects, you can use the WBS numbers as individual projects and have one or more activities associated with each. The WBS number does not have to be numeric, so it is flexible in its usage.

(Machine Translation)
프로그래밍 언어: Java
LastUpdate: 2009-12-03 03:48


LATRIX is a Web-based system supporting HR departments of any size company in their administration work. It supports multiple locations and incorporates a paperless leave application system. Attendance and presence can be tracked separately and no expensive hardware is required. It has a nice variety of reports, a fire register (for display on desktop computers or handheld devices, such as mobile phones), simple configuration, and a dedicated Web site for all documentation. It is available for download for experienced Linux users, and there is also a subscription service available for those who just want to use it without the hassle of daily administration.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2009-07-20 09:59

The Procrastinator's Timeclock

The Procrastinator's Timeclock is a simple utility for people who suffer from excessive procrastination or distractibility. The utility achieves its benefits by allowing you to comfortably track just how much time your little "one more thing"s are adding up to and by helping to bolster willpower by providing a gentle distraction from temptations. Its design focuses on simplicity, intuitiveness, and a preference for keeping existing users rather than attracting new ones.

(Machine Translation)
LastUpdate: 2022-03-19 00:39

ProjeQtOr - Project Management Tool

_ _ _ Project'Or _ _ _ のプロジェクト管理ツール Project'Or RIA - RIA は共同プロジェクト管理ソフトウェアです。リッチ インターネット アプリケーションとしてプロジェクトの主催者をするように設計ツールです。Web ベース、それは非常に使いやすいとあなたのプロジェクトの管理に必要なすべての機能をターゲット。弱者プロジェクト管理ソフトウェアの一つとして記載されている、頻繁に更新、非常に積極的な支援と成長しているコミュニティを指しますそれを試してみる価値のあるツールとして。

(Machine Translation)

TimeRabbit project



개발 현황: 1 - Planning
자연 언어: English, Japanese
운영 체제: OS Independent
프로그래밍 언어: Java, Other
주제: Time Tracking
User Interface: Java Swing
Register Date: 2009-09-24 17:26
LastUpdate: 2013-06-17 17:16




私はシステム開発に従事する技術者です。 毎日、仕事で忙しいです。チームのメンバーも忙しそうです。 今日で月がかわり、新たな1カ月が始まるとき、 そういえばこの1カ月間、いろいろ忙しかったけど、何で忙しかったのか?チームのみんなは何をしていたのか? 気がついてみると、1カ月・200時間をいったい何にどれだけ費やしてきたのか、よくわからなかったりします。 何となく、会議が多かったなとか、割り込み作業に時間を割いたなとか、感覚的な思いはあるのですが、きちんと数値化できません。

この状況はよくないな、と。 きちんと実績を数値化して記録しよう。 それによって、課題がわかり改善につながるだろう。


개발 현황: 5 - Production/Stable
라이센스: Apache License V2.0
자연 언어: Japanese
프로그래밍 언어: Java
User Interface: Java Swing
Register Date: 2009-03-13 15:00
LastUpdate: 2011-12-04 08:46



Database Environment: MySQL
개발 현황: 4 - Beta
대상: Management
자연 언어: English
운영 체제: OS Independent
프로그래밍 언어: Java
User Interface: Web Environment
LastUpdate: 2021-01-10 18:18

Task Coach

Task Coach - あなたのフレンドリーなタスクマネージャ。Task Coachは、個人的なタスクやtodoリストを管理するためのシンプルなオープンソースのtodoマネージャです。多くの場合、タスクや他のtodoは、いくつかのアクティビティで構成されます。Task Coachは、その複合的なタスクに対処するために設計されています。

LastUpdate: 2022-03-09 21:10


ProjectForge は、タイムシート予約、チームカレンダー、財務管理、ワークブレークダウンストラクチャー管理といったプロジェクト管理のための Webベースのソリューションです。実行可能なサーバーと war ファイルがあります。

LastUpdate: 2008-07-03 03:14

Qualdev dotProject Eclipse Plug-in

Qualdev 日食チームは dotProject の Eclipse プラグインを開発しました。 開発者は今日食 dotProject ビューから dotProject タスクに働いた時間を登録できます。他の多くの dotProject 条件は持っています。これは便利です願っています !

(Machine Translation)