Ticket #33707

program takes focus when running macro

오픈 날짜: 2014-04-24 06:19 마지막 업데이트: 2015-11-07 21:05

5 - Medium
5 - Medium
Score: 0
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I have created macros that interact with devices using the serial port and the program takes focus away from all other programs when I run it.

Ticket History (3/6 Histories)

2014-04-24 06:19 Updated by: scbreyman
  • New Ticket "program takes focus when running macro" created
2014-05-02 01:57 Updated by: None
댓글 올리기

I notice that when I use a status box or message box that the focus is taken away from the program I am using.

2014-05-03 15:39 Updated by: (del#24082)
  • 소유자 Update from (None) to yutakapon
댓글 올리기

Hi everyone,

I can not understand what you are saying. Please make a detailed explanation.

Thank you for your time.

2014-05-06 02:46 Updated by: scbreyman
댓글 올리기

My TeraTerm macros use statusbox and messagebox commands. When I run my macro and then change program focus to some other application while the macro runs the focus will be taken from the application I am using back to the teraterm macro when a statusbox is updated with new data or a messagebox displays. I would like the focus to not be returned to teraterm until I click on it.

2014-05-06 20:30 Updated by: (del#24082)
댓글 올리기
Hi scbreyman,

Thank you for your response. I understand what you say at last.
As a conclusion of your question, the behavior is the Tera Term specification
not a bug. The messagebox, inputbox and listbox macro command are shown on the
top of most windows after Tera Term 4.78 because some users want to always 
bringup these box-style macro command.

2013.05.31 (Ver 4.78)
◾The messagebox, inputbox and listbox commands bring the macro dialog to the top.
If you want your request, please propose new macro interface and method to us.
We will discuss your request to be able to supporting.

2015-11-07 21:05 Updated by: (del#24082)
  • 소유자 Update from yutakapon to (None)

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