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View 4.58 - Change Log

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2008-02-29 22:27
Plain Text
4.58 - Change Log
2008.2.29 (Ver 4.58)
- Rotating the mouse wheel would supersede the cursor key when the application cursor mode is enabled.
-- added TranslateWheelToCursor entry in teraterm.ini file. The default value is on.
- added the configuration entry to whether "New Connection" dialog is shown on TeraTerm startup.
-- added HostDialogOnStartup entry in teraterm.ini file. The default value is on.
- added support of mouse event tracking.
-- added MouseEventTracking entry in teraterm.ini file. The default value is on.
- added the "Realtime mode" feature on Broadcast Command. This feature can send all user's key sequence to TeraTerm window, and then a user can use vi editor on all window. This feature takes after "TeraTerm Pro assistant" freeware in lots of ways.
-- added "Realtime mode" checkbox in Broadcast Command dialog. The default is on.
-- added a TeraTerm window list. Also, a user can select all item or cancel all item by double-click(toggle).
-- Broadcast Command dialog is moved to the upper of TeraTerm window.
- displayed the cursor bitmap when TeraTerm window loses the keyboard focus.
-- added KillFocusCursor entry in teraterm.ini file. The default value is on.
- added the configuration entry to whether "Log" transfer dialog is shown on start logging.
- added the "SCP" button on the confirmation dialog when a user drags a file to TeraTerm window.
- added Font linking fixed patch. Special thanks to naoh.
- added the confirmation dialog when the Clipboard includes CR/LF by right-click or Alt+V. This is a foolproof way.
-- added ConfirmChangePaste entry in teraterm.ini file. The default value is on.
- added the configuration entry to save the window position.
-- added SaveVTWinPos entry in teraterm.ini file. The default value is off.
- changed the default value of TermType from 'vt100' to 'xterm'
-- TERM environment variable is reported as "xterm" to the host by using TELNET and SSH protocol.
- disabled pasting with clicking the middle button of mouse.
- changed default folder of the dialog to select a folder. The current path of configuration is selected.
- increased max width of window from 300 chars to 500 chars.
- added support for 256 xterm color and 16 aixterm color mode.
-- added Xterm256Color and Aixterm16Color entry in teraterm.ini file.
-- changed from FullColor entry to PcBoldColor entry.
-- added new checkboxes on setup window dialog.
- changed from the standard background color to the current background color on the line and the screen deleted area, the new displayed line by scrolling.
- added the German.lng language file. Special thanks to Alexander Wiechert.
- added the workaround for corrupting the character line on the Maximize window.
-- added MaximizedBugTweak entry in teraterm.ini file. The default value is on.
- Bug fix: Reverse video control sequence (DECSCNM) doesn't work correctly.
- Bug fix: When TeraTerm is the Maximize window, TerminalSize entry in relation to the window would be recorded in teraterm.ini file.
- Bug fix: The problem that a multi-byte character string which includes 0x5C and/or 0x7C is recognized as invalid is now fixed. This problem existed in a routine to check a file name.
- Bug fix: TeraTerm COM auto connect problem. Special thanks to Steven Yang.
- Bug fix: ANSI Color settings is not immediately reflected.
- Bug fix: Too many '\' characters could be shown after changing the title string by the escape sequence.
- added 'getver' macro command.
- added 'setbaud' macro command. Special thanks to Steven Yang.
- added three parameters from 6 to 8 in 'showtt' macro command. Special thanks to Steven Yang.
- added the second parameter in 'exec' macro command. Special thanks to Steven Yang.
- added new argments <plain text flag>, <timestamp flag>, <hide dialog flag> to 'logopen' macro command.
- if 'getdate' and 'gettime' macro command have no date and time format, system variable "result" is not changed. (for compatibility with version 4.56 or earlier)
- upgraded TTSSH version supporting SSH2 to 2.46
- upgraded TTProxy to
- upgraded TTX KanjiMenu Plugin to 0.1.4.

2008.2.29 (Ver 2.46)
- added silently ignoring the Protocol Version Exchange line before sending the version string. (RFC4253 compliance)
- added the user interface for receiving a file on SSH SCP dialog.
-- The source address is fixed in the 'current directory for file transfers'.
-- Directly input the receiving file name
- added support for the public key authentication with Pageant(an SSH authentication agent for PuTTY, PSCP and Plink).
-- added "pageant" value to "/auth" command line switch.
- deleted a workaround for application fault when pressing ESC key at "SECURITY WARNING" dialog.

2008.2.29 (Ver
- Bug fix: The port number over 32767 could not be available for proxy connection.
- Bug fix: couldn't close "Setup dialog" by OK button without hostname when the type of proxy is NONE.

[TTX KanjiMenu]
2008.2.29 (Ver 0.1.4) 
- Big fix: couldn't select "Recv: UTF-8m"