포럼: English (Thread #27760)

QRcode (2010-11-02 21:38 by lucky #53859)

can you help me, I use your "open source qr code library" but i found many bug, when i try to run the project, its make many minutes to read QRCODE & sometimes when i read qrcode 001, but its read 120 or anything number...can you help me please...

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RE: QRcode (2011-07-30 06:28 by gerald krug #58825)

Use bluej to compile your java qrcode project.
That way you can debug it.

Simply import the entire unzipped QRcode folder into bluej.

bluej will split into the example and src folders.

debug every file you find inside the folders and compile as you go along.

then make the QRCodeDecoderGUIExample.class into a .jar file

to have a standalone QRcode decoder.

read the help .pdf file in bluej
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Re: QRcode (2014-02-12 15:58 by Nana111 #71875)

[Reply To Message #53859]
> can you help me, I use your "open source qr code library" but i found many bug, when i try to run the project, its make many minutes to read QRCODE & sometimes when i read qrcode 001, but its read 120 or anything number...can you help me please...
HI there
Try this QR code program.it will help you a lot
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Re: QRcode (2014-05-16 12:30 by lucywill #73030)

right, this qrcode barcode reader given by you have been tried out, it works great for us to read qr code, and other kind of barcode types. thanks for sharing.


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Re: QRcode (2014-06-19 12:22 by hongdida #73517)

qr code reader jar file for java development
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Re: QRcode (2014-11-27 12:18 by jacoblee #74930)

[Reply To Message #53859]
> can you help me, I use your "open source qr code library" but i found many bug, when i try to run the project, its make many minutes to read QRCODE & sometimes when i read qrcode 001, but its read 120 or anything number...can you help me please...
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Re: QRcode (2014-11-27 12:53 by Jose James #74931)

I use this qrcode library and didn't find any bugs.It works perfectly,maybe this will help you.http://www.keepautomation.com/products/java_barcode_reader/
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