lasselin Potyrala
2007年 8月 20日 (月) 20:56:54 JST
H,E.R-E WE GO A,GAIN! T,H_E B-I.G O'N+E BEF.ORE T+H E SEPTEM-BE+R.RALLY! T_H,E MAR'KET IS ABOU-T TO P,O-P+, A N*D SO IS E X-M'T ! Tick,: E.X M+T 5 -day pote,+ntial: 0*.'4_0 Fir m: E*XCHAN'GE MOBI,LE T+E.L,E (Oth_er O'T'C+: EX_MT.PK) A's k : 0_.*1,0 (+25.00-'%) UP TO 2'5+% in 1 day N-o t o*n+l'y d'o e*s t*h_i,s f.i,r m h,a,v-e g_reat f undamen+tals, b,u't gettin g t+h+i,s o'pp*ortunity at t,h_e r'ight t,i*m+e., r.ight bef-ore t*h_e ral_ly is w+h'a.t make-s t h*i's d,e-a'l so s.weet! T h i_s a gr*eat o'p'portunity to at l east d ouble up! Afte*r t,h'i's meth_od h+a's b,e-e-n calle d, an at-tempt to u s_e t'h-i's ob ject w'i+l,l resul't in an ObjectDisposedException b-eing thro.wn. It is z_e r+o if t h_e spe,c'ified a*t-o*m is n_o t valid-. Teln_et a,llev,iates t-h'i+s proble,m by embe+ddin'g t+h e ter+mina+l characteri'sti.c s equ ences w'ithin t-h'e T elnet p'rotoc-ol. Era'sed Fil,es Ofte n Ar_en't. My fat*her smoke,d Cam,el cigare+tte*s a*n+d he k.n*e w m*a.n-y tri+cks a-n+d game,s whic*h he sho_wed us w,i't h t-h.e pa'c+kages of Cam'el cigar._ettes.