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Molby is a software for building molecular models on the graphic screen. It works on Mac OS X and Windows. It can import and export files for other computational chemistry softwares such as GAMESS and Gaussian. It can also edit molecules by Ruby scripts.

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Released at 2012-02-03 00:53
molby 0.6.2 (3 files Hide)

Release Notes

- Graphic objects can be drawn together with the molecule (requires Ruby coding).
- Modeless operation of Ruby Dialog is implemented.
- The first comment line of the Ruby script (that is to be imported by "Execute Ruby Script" command) can now contain "coding:shift-jis" or "coding:utf-8" instruction. At present, only these two codings are recognized.
- LAMatrix (linear algebra matrix) class is implemented in Ruby, which allow matrix arithmetic of arbitrary dimension. No document is provided yet.
- Empty Console Window command is implemented.
- Document for MD calculation is written.
- Rms of crystallographic parameters (from the CIF file) are now kept in the molecule. Copying/saving of such parameters are not yet supported.

- グラフィックオブジェクトを分子に重ねて書けるようにした。ただし Ruby でのコーディングが必要。
- Ruby ダイアログでモードレスな動作ができるようにした。
- Ruby スクリプトの先頭行コメントに coding:shift-jis または coding:utf-8 が書けるようにした。今のところこの2つしか認識しない。
- Ruby の LAMatrix (linear algebra matrix) クラスを実装し、任意の行列演算ができるようにした。ドキュメントはまだ書いていない。
- Empty Console Window コマンドを実装。
- 分子動力学のドキュメントを作成。
- MM/MD で "log file" フィールドは明示的に指定しない限り空にするようにした。
- CIF ファイルの読み込みで、座標値の標準偏差を認識するようにした。ただしmbsfへの保存はされない。


- Document is updated to include new graphic objects in the model view.
- Ruby: Molecule#make_front, set_name, get_view_rotation, get_view_scale, get_view_translation, set_view_rotation, set_view_scale, set_view_translation, set_graphic_color, hide_graphic, show_graphic are implemented.
- Drawing custom graphics on the model view is implemented.
- Ruby Dialog: modeless dialog is now implemented, and interval timer is implemented.
- Ruby: $KCODE is set on startup, and coding:{shift-jis, utf-8} is recognized as the source code encoding (for executing script from file).
- Molecule#all returns IntGroup[0] when the molecule is empty (it should return IntGroup[]), which causes crash on Molecule#delete.
- Dialog#layout: the :align and :vertical_align options can now be specified as item attributes
- The separator line in the Ruby Dialog was not working correctly.
- Vector3D and Transform objects are converted to LAMatrix object with dimensions 3 or 4 depending upon the context.
- LAMatrix#new errornously allows matrix with dimension 0. Fixed.
- AtomRef#molecule is implemented.
- Empty Console Window command is implemented.
- LAMatrix.multiply was not working correctly when the first argument is a scalar. Fixed.
- General matrix calculation (LAMatrix class in Ruby) is implemented. Seems to be working, but not documented yet.
- In the document, navigation between the English/Japanese versions is possible in most pages.
- Document for MD calculation is written.
- The "log file" field is set to blank unless explicitly set by the user.
- The structure Mat33 and Transform are now column-first arrangement (no change on Ruby interface and mbsf file format)
- Rms of crystallographic parameters (from the CIF file) are now kept in the molecule. Copying/saving of such parameters are not yet supported.