From sckcbrjbiepzb @ Mon Nov 1 09:47:42 2004 From: sckcbrjbiepzb @ (Jean Lucas) Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2004 16:47:42 -0800 Subject: [Linux-video-devel] Fw: adapt Message-ID: I was back pretty early and you were correct, I had received the link in my inbox. You can download movies, console games and stuff. So I've downloaded 3 video games & movies so far today :). You should get a load of how many movies are in here that'l play in your dvd player - it's crazy. Theres an area that teaches you how to burn the stuff to CD. My favorite part is the movies area, theres movies listed in here for download that are still in theaters - plump crazy :) See you this weekend. Bernardo From ijcfw @ Tue Nov 9 04:20:09 2004 From: ijcfw @ (Wilburn Roth) Date: Mon, 08 Nov 2004 11:20:09 -0800 Subject: [Linux-video-devel] Fw: molecule Message-ID: Been years since I've found a place like this. You can download full CD's, dvd's and games. I downloaded 9 full CD albums so far. Once you've seen it get ahold of me, I want to hear your reaction - you'll go batty I know it. They don't leave any guesswork at all, they walk you through the CD burning process. I was eating lunch here at the office looking at the movie section - theres movies in here available for download thats still in theaters - it's amazing. Talk to you tommorow. Lane From patrina @ Wed Nov 17 13:26:21 2004 From: patrina @ (Michele Cole) Date: Tue, 16 Nov 2004 23:26:21 -0500 Subject: [Linux-video-devel] NYSE Streamer..TRADE, Hold, Sell--GOOG, CFDJ--HydroCharge, FLR, SBUX, HAL, CX, ZLC, Day-Trading-Summary Message-ID: Day-Trading-Edition - HydroCharge?- NASDAQ - CFDJ. First, let us look back to a few of our previous positions: A lot of you thought we were nuts we ignored a SELL rec. for Google (GOOG) when it was at 149.38 on 21-Oct-04. we again decided to ignore a SELL rec. on 1-Nov-04 for Google (GOOG) when it was at 196.03. Google then dropped to 169.35 on 5-Nov-04, but we stood fast. Now, it has risen back to near 190.00, and we still say HOLD. We expect Google to go over 200.00 and beyond, so just hold your positions. TRENDS 1) Haliburton Co.--(NYSE: HAL). Has been climbing ever since 27.18 on 17-Aug-04. Is now in the 38.00-range, and we believe due to foreign contracts will continue gains. HOLD. 2) CEMEX SA (NYSE: CX) With a 3 1/2 percent yield, is trading at 10 times earnings. Question is: is the building boom over? We think not. HOLD. 3) Flour Corp. (NYSE: FLR) Now trading in the 47.00-range, up from 36.83 on 7-May-04. Is trading at 18 times earnings. SELL. Now, for our GOLD-STAR Advisory. We are making a SHORT-TERM ACQUISITION Advisory for Compound Natural Foods - OTC.BB - CFDJ. CFDJ has now just begun trading in earnest and has geared-up its operations, making several important news releases which not only lay out its business plan, but actually set it into motion. These announcements have been coming out quickly and lead us to believe that the time is now for CFDJ. 20-Oct-04 - (BUSINESS WIRE) - CFDJ ACQUIRES HydroCharge - CFDJ has acquired Pure Nature LLC, and its HydroCharge product line of naturally formulated, lower sugar, lower carbohydrate, and lower calorie sports drinks. This is the first acquisition by Compound Natural Foods, whose strategy is to grow by acquiring unique companies and opportunities in the natural foods and beverages sector. 4-Nov-04 - (BUSINESS WIRE) - Former Atkins Nutritionals National Sales Manager Named CEO of HydroCharge. 8-Nov-04 - (BUSINESS WIRE) - CFDJ Introduces New Sports Drink. 15-Nov-04 - (BUSINESS WIRE) - CFDJ Announces Six Newly Appointed Brokers as Part of the Nationwide Rollout of Its Sports Drink. The news is flying from CFDJ. We want to focus on the acquisition of HydroCharge. HYDROCHARGE The U.S. consumer demand for sports enhancing beverages exceeds annual sales of 3 billion dollars. Other public companies in HydroCharge's(TM) market sector include Hansen Natural Corporation (HANS) and PepsiCo (PEP), which owns Gatorade? Imagine if you had been in at the outset on Gatorade? "We have appointed brokers for the South, Southeast, West, northwest, and Northeast," said Ron Nolan, HydroCharge's(TM) CEO and national sales manager. "They will be working with wholesale distributors and retail outlets in the natural food markets such as, Whole Foods, Wild Oats, Vitamin Shoppes, as well as natural food chains and mainstream supermarkets. We expect to receive initial purchase orders shortly and begin to ship product at the end of this month, or early in December. We have produced and warehoused new inventory ready for immediate shipment in anticipation of the expected demand for the HydroCharge(TM) product line." Ron Nolan was recruited to join the HydroCharge(TM) team by its founder and president, Joey Canyon. Mr. Nolan's previous industry experience includes serving as national sales manager for Atkins?Nutritional products; president of National Health and Nutrition, owned by General Nutrition Inc. where he managed and operated a 110-store chain; and president of Holistic Services Corporation, a 150 Heath Food retail store chain located inside of Sears and Montgomery Wards. The time is now for CFDJ. Targets for CFDJ: short term: 1.56 Market Trends is not a registered financial advisory. The information presented is not for purchasing or selling securities. We compile then distribute opinions, comments and information based on other public sources. Penny stocks are considered to be highly speculative and may be unsuitable for all but very aggressive investors. SMS does not hold nor does it plan to hold a position in this stock. This Profile was a paid advertisement by a third party not affiliated with the profiled company. We were compensated five thousand dollars to publish and distribute this report. Paid advertisements for a third party do not necessarily reflect our views. Target prices may fluctuate depending on market environments. Please always consult a registered financial advisor before making any decisions. This report is for entertainment and advertising purposes only and should not be used as investment advice. SMS, Nors S.A. Apartado 0832-0588, Calle 53 Marbella Panama City, Panama. No more advertising: vortase @ From pzzof @ Thu Nov 18 22:13:28 2004 From: pzzof @ (Sheryl Guevara) Date: Thu, 18 Nov 2004 05:13:28 -0800 Subject: [Linux-video-devel] Fw: cicada Message-ID: Remember back when you and I used to file share? Check this out - You can download console games & full CD albums, dvd's and stuff. I grabbed 3 CD's worth of music & 3 games. You should get a load of how many movies are in here that'l play in your dvd player - it's crazy. Theres this awsome section of the site that shows you how to burn the games & music and movies to CD. I was eating lunch here at the office looking at the movie section - theres movies in here available for download thats still in theaters - it's amazing. Talk to you tommorow. Lenny From secretarial @ Sun Nov 21 00:15:07 2004 From: secretarial @ (Alfonzo Calvert) Date: Sat, 20 Nov 2004 10:15:07 -0500 Subject: [Linux-video-devel] START EARNING the INCOME You Deserve In Just Days Message-ID: v240Cy60 COMMENCE EARNING the INCOME You Deserve In Just Days Did you know that you are a qualified professional but simply lack the requested credentials after your name? You know you deserve a better salary, more prestige but lack the Educational background - even though you have the life's knowledge and the abilities requested in today's world? Tired of being turned down because you do not the right educational background? We can help you Today. Non A.c.c.c. Institutions of Higher Learning will award you a Credential based on your current knowledge and your years of climbing the ladder at work. Alternative Educational Backgrounds based upon your employment experiences and your ability. Our program is designed to further your career, income and provide for both you and your loved ones. Call-now and one of our representatives will assist you to receive an academic credential in no time at all. 1 203-286-2403 From =?iso-2022-jp?Q?=1B=24B=236=40iK=7C1=5F=24N3M=1B=28B?= Wed Nov 24 19:52:26 2004 From: =?iso-2022-jp?Q?=1B=24B=236=40iK=7C1=5F=24N3M=1B=28B?= (=?iso-2022-jp?Q?=1B=24B=236=40iK=7C1=5F=24N3M=1B=28B?=) Date: Wed, 24 Nov 2004 19:52:26 +0900 (JST) Subject: [Linux-video-devel] =?iso-2022-jp?b?GyRCIXZMJD41QnokSDlYRkkbKEI=?= =?iso-2022-jp?b?GyRCJWElayVeJSwiIyMzMi8xXyEiIzUyLzFfRXkkTjx9Rn48VEIzGyhC?= =?iso-2022-jp?b?GyRCPVAhJktcRXYkK0hdJCskTz5aNXIkRzNORyckRyQtJGshJiIjGyhC?= =?iso-2022-jp?b?GyRCMGwkSz9NISZGcyRLS35CLSRKJCo2YiEmOzAkSzwrTTMkS0Z+GyhC?= =?iso-2022-jp?b?GyRCJGtKKiFKMGE/KT07IUskT0stJCskSj9NQDgiIzdKNSQyc0l8GyhC?= =?iso-2022-jp?b?GyRCMys7TyROO34kMyQ9JUElYyVzJTkhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhGyhC?= =?iso-2022-jp?b?GyRCISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhGyhC?= =?iso-2022-jp?b?GyRCISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhISEhGyhC?= Message-ID: <21352193.1101293546620.JavaMail.nobody@hr_01_rev_a> linux-video-devel @ lists.sourceforge.jp様              *未承諾と購読メルマガ6千万円の力を獲得法・発行・経済文庫社メルマガジン担当大友                        受信拒否する場合は、 または登録した覚えのない場合はその旨を                            ttp://まで        メールマガジン広告申し込みは、その旨をまで           メールマガジン購読の申し込の場合は、その旨をまで                                                お願いします。   *-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*   ☆ _最低5000万円以上は貯金望む方!に好評_PR________☆★___PR______☆★    ■2億円、 3億円、 5億9千万円収入者続出しています。   ■収入の方法は証拠でご案内しています。    *---来年こそは、たっぷり貯金したい方々--------最大のチャンス--------------------------*       こちらの方々に最適です。 ☆:*:★★:*:☆  6千万以上欲しい方に大好評です。    ■□□■□□■□□■□            □□■□□■□□■□■□□■    この方々に歓迎されています。 ◎3千万円で今の不満は解決できるのでチャンスを待っていた。 ◎年収6千万円以下なので6千万円以上の収入が無理なく欲しい。 ◎長い老後の安心の為に7千万円は貯金必要だ。 ◎自分が豊かにならないと他の人の豊かさの為に奉仕できないから7千万円は必要金額だ。 ◎2億円、3億円、5億9千万円収入の証拠があるなら見て確信をもって7千万円を目的にしたい。 ◎先ず、証拠をみせろ!単なる証拠でなく物的証拠を見せろ!その収入の方法を親切に説明しろ!  ※お金は全てで、最優先ではありません、しかしそのために豊かさと貧困・苦労と楽楽人生の分かれ道で     もあります。 働けばお金になるのはウソです!チャンスが無ければ!チャンスを掴まなければ!あの松下幸之助さんでも、   チャンスの 恵みにあったから成功した・といっています。                 簡単に在宅で出来る《5億9千万円証拠有収入ビジネス》経営者募集ー20歳以上男女申し込み出来ます。   副業・兼業・土日経営者・在宅余暇活用経営者・高額収入希望者・隠れ億万長者希望の方々に大好評!   38年の実績有ります。収入は銀行振り込みです。秘密に経営出来ます。最初は3千万円目的に出来ます。   開業のホームページは用意してありますのでダウンロードしてHP作成の面倒はなく早く開業できます。                      詳しくは で資料ご請求。     何事も論より証拠・噂より証拠・状況証拠より物的証拠・裁判官と同じ物的証拠のみで事実確認! *-----PR--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------*            8月プレオープン特別縁故募集の外資系ネットワーク企業の一般公募枠 ★☆ _PR_________________________☆★_________________☆★          無料体験版完備!月額不要売切りの携帯電話向けパズルゲーム専門サイト。 アーケードやPSで人気を博した「パズループ」や、懐かしの「だるま道場」、「大牌砦」があなたの携帯で遊べます!      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Did you know that you are a qualified professional but simply lack the requested credentials after your name? You know you deserve a better salary, more prestige but lack the Educational background - even though you have the life's knowledge and the abilities requested in today's world? Tired of being turned down because you do not the right educational background? Non A.c.c.c. Institutions of Higher Learning will award you a Credential based on your current knowledge and your years of climbing the ladder at work. Alternative Educational Backgrounds based upon your employment experiences and your ability. Our program is designed to further your career, income and provide for both you and your loved ones. Give us a call--203 286 2403 From frywyq @ Sat Nov 27 19:11:44 2004 From: frywyq @ (Leroy Naquin) Date: Sat, 27 Nov 2004 02:11:44 -0800 Subject: [Linux-video-devel] Fw: pediatric Message-ID: I was right, I told ya so - heres the link. Just got this in my inbox, check this out. You can dl music & games & movies. I grabbed 7 CD's worth of music & 6 games. I can't wait for you to see this - it's amazing. Theres this awsome section of the site that shows you how to burn the games & music and movies to CD. Upon going over the movie section, you know how I like movies, they have stuff in here still in theates you can download and play on your DVD player - it's nuts. I'll call later. Pansy