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프로젝트 설명

Test-AutoBuild is a framework for performing
continuous, unattended, automated software builds.
It pulls code from source control repositories
(many different version control systems are supported), calculates inter-module dependencies,
builds each module, and then generates HTML status
pages, copies binary packages to Web/FTP server
roots, and sends email status alerts. It is
written with flexibility and extensibility in mind
to make it easy to integrate with a wide range of
development tools and languages.

System Requirements

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Information regarding Project Releases and Project Resources. Note that the information here is a quote from page, and the downloads themselves may not be hosted on OSDN.

2007-12-10 01:58 Back to release list

SCM에서 확인 절차를 그렇게 모듈 체크 아웃의 전체 과정에서 결함을 중단 엔진을 구축하지 않는 이상은 재작 성입니다. 실패 모듈과 생략 SCM에서 HTML을 상태 페이지에 검사를 위해 만든 로그가없습니다. 기타 사소한 이식 / 안정성 버그수정, 특히 리눅스 이외의 플랫폼으로 이동성을 위해 포함됩니다.
Tags: Major bugfixes
The SCM checkout process is rewritten so that failures in checking out a module do not cause the entire build engine to abort. Failing modules are skipped and SCM logs made available for inspection on the HTML status pages. Other minor portability/stability bugfixes are included, in particular for portability to non-Linux platforms.

Project Resources