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packages-apps-AndroidTerm: List of commits


Rev. Time Author
ff019ba honeycomb-x86 2011-11-21 15:53:49 Chih-Wei Huang

use LOCAL_REQUIRED_MODULES to build with android tree

5e9ca57 2011-11-21 15:53:07 Chih-Wei Huang


e1b202c 2011-11-10 01:38:42 Chih-Wei Huang

Revert "Make sure we build on API level 10."

This reverts commit b2d747b905222292b97ea9736c70cf83debc6120.

6ea8f28 2011-11-07 06:06:12 Steven Luo

Color tweaks

Other terminals which offer color support generally have two sets of
colors, a "dim" set for regular text and backgrounds and a "bright" set
for use with bold text. At the moment, Android Terminal Emulator uses
the same set of eight colors for backgrounds, normal text, and bold
text, which causes one notable problem: applications generally expect
bold text colored black to be displayed as "bright black" (a dark gray),
but this text is invisible in Android Terminal Emulator in the
white-on-black configuration.

Fix this by extending the array of foreground colors to include "bright"
colors (actually, the same colors we were using before, except for the
addition of a "bright black"), taking advantage of the fact that we're
using the high bit of the foreground color to store bold information.
We dim the regular set of colors slightly, to distinguish them from the
bright colors.

Signed-off-by: Jack Palevich <>

3ae0bdc 2011-11-07 06:06:08 Steven Luo

Make changes to UTF-8 preference take effect immediately in running sessions

Add a updatePrefs() method in TermSession and TerminalEmulator and call
it from Term's updatePrefs(), so that changes to the UTF-8 preference
will be picked up immediately by running terminal sessions.

Note that a terminal emulator will ignore the UTF-8 preference once any
application running in it uses one of the ESC % codes to request a
specific character set.

Signed-off-by: Jack Palevich <>

f1be3cf 2011-11-07 06:05:14 Steven Luo

Fix fast resize when screen shrinks

When the line containing the cursor is blank, and the cursor is not at
the bottom edge of the screen, fast resize will move the line containing
the cursor off the screen. Fix this by ensuring that fast resize never
considers lines at or above the cursor for shrinking.

This patch prevents a crash which occurs when a full resize operation is
conducted immediately after this bug is triggered (the full resize
attempts to fetch the character at the cursor, which is off the screen,
causing an IllegalArgumentException).

Signed-off-by: Jack Palevich <>

c60fa67 2011-10-25 02:05:48 Jack Palevich

Declare version 1.0.35

ee721c5 2011-10-25 01:50:26 Jack Palevich

Create Android 1.5 version of notification icon.

Use MDPI version, as Android 1.5 devices are defined to be MDPI.

7219cbc 2011-10-25 01:41:58 Jack Palevich

Update documentation checklist.

9527e59 2011-10-25 01:41:31 Jack Palevich

Add notification icon for use with Android 1.5

d7e1346 2011-10-25 01:34:18 Jack Palevich

Update service notification icon.

Used "Android Asset Studio" to create the icons from a template.

8c8edf1 2011-10-24 02:49:10 Jack Palevich

Update checklist.

b6db9ef 2011-10-24 02:29:27 Jack Palevich

Add a publish checklist.

1a64e86 2011-10-24 02:13:52 Jack Palevich

Bump version number.

3294c19 2011-10-24 02:10:25 Jack Palevich

Revert "Return empty ExtractedText instead of null from getExtractedText()"

This reverts commit 2d640ff2381925d9784248712671b7c47f2b7f56.

The original commit broke Swype soft keyboard support.

b2d747b 2011-10-23 22:56:22 Jack Palevich

Make sure we build on API level 10.

(Previously our manifest said we used API level 10, but we actually built
against API level 11.)

d92a7ed 2011-10-23 10:39:24 Jack Palevich

Avoid possible overflow if the text ends in a high surrogate.

e12cd18 2011-10-22 21:57:23 Jack Palevich

Add link to Android Market.

f60cb83 2011-10-22 21:24:24 Jack Palevich

A UTF-8 encoded text file


This test file shows that we don't currently handle many obscure parts
of unicode rendering, including combining diacritics, brail, etc.

2496296 2011-10-22 12:58:24 Jack Palevich

Create a status bar notification icon.


49537fc 2011-10-22 12:21:57 Jack Palevich

Remove executable bit.

These files are not executable, and should not have executable bits

These bits sometimes gets set when importing files from Windows.

36ba692 2011-10-22 12:06:41 Jack Palevich

Move atari font notice out of res directory.

99908d5 2011-10-22 12:01:22 Jack Palevich

Increment version number.

06013b2 2011-10-22 11:41:00 Steven Luo

Implement fast resize for cases where width remains constant

A resize operation currently requires getting the entire transcript
text, throwing away the backing store, constructing a new one, and then
writing the transcript to the new store. Particularly when the
transcript is large, this is a slow and inefficient operation.

As it turns out, it's really quite easy to change the number of screen
rows for a particular backing store, which allows much faster resize
operations in the case where the number of columns does not change.
This is particularly useful when using soft keyboards, where the number
of rows will change depending on whether the keyboard is displayed, but
the number of columns doesn't.

Signed-off-by: Jack Palevich <>

6f3f98a 2011-10-22 11:40:56 Steven Luo

Make the screen a movable window in the transcript buffer

Instead of the current scheme of having 0..mScreenRows-1 be the screen,
and everything else be the transcript, let the screen be a movable
window into the circular buffer. This allows scrolling the whole screen
to be much faster (just move the window), and should make fast resize

Signed-off-by: Jack Palevich <>

61e0e8b 2011-10-22 11:40:52 Steven Luo

Preserve colors and formatting across screen size changes

Currently, getTranscriptText() has no option for preserving
color/formatting information, so this information is lost when resizing
the screen. Fix this by adding a variant of getTranscriptText() which
accepts a StringBuilder in which color information will be stored, and
using it during resize operations.

To save memory, this implementation only preserves color information for
regions of the screen which contain text, so blank areas of the screen
with colored backgrounds will still revert to the default background

(Why StringBuilder? Post-Unicode, we cannot store information in the
upper bits of a char, as we would have before. An ArrayList<Byte> would
be the most natural fit, but the need to box the values creates serious
memory overhead. StringBuilder handles dynamic sizing of the array for
us and uses less memory per cell than an ArrayList.)

Signed-off-by: Jack Palevich <>

15a835f 2011-10-22 11:40:47 Steven Luo

Add a hack to remember the cursor position across screen size changes

As it stands, the cursor ends up immediately after the last
non-whitespace character in the transcript after a screen resize, which
is very frequently incorrect (the last character in the output is
often a space or newline, and it's possible the cursor has been moved,
as during command line editing).

Since lines could be re-wrapped during the screen size update, there's
no easy way to calculate where the cursor should end up. Therefore, we
use a hack: since ASCII ESC (\033) is non-printable and should never be
part of the transcript, we mark the cursor location with an ESC before
resizing, and restore the cursor to the location where the ESC ends up
afterwards (taking care to save and restore the real character at the
cursor position correctly).

Signed-off-by: Jack Palevich <>

2d640ff 2011-10-22 11:40:43 Steven Luo

Return empty ExtractedText instead of null from getExtractedText()

This silences the following error message in logs:

E/InputMethodService(29043): Unexpected null in startExtractingText : mExtractedText = null, input connection =

Signed-off-by: Jack Palevich <>

fcf0e2a 2011-10-22 11:40:39 Steven Luo

Hide the soft keyboard when pausing the activity

Otherwise, the keyboard will remain open after the user leaves the
activity, possibly covering up part of whatever the user is now doing.

Signed-off-by: Jack Palevich <>

acdf3ac 2011-10-22 11:40:35 Steven Luo

Return early from charWidth() for all ASCII printable chars, not just space

Signed-off-by: Jack Palevich <>

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