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alterlinux-keyring: Repository summary


Recent Commits RSS

Rev. Time Author Message
9c6ba91 2020-11-17 16:43:30 lap1sid master [Fix] fixed link and folder path
70ad060 2020-03-09 11:07:15 lap1sid Update README.md
604b48b 2020-03-09 09:54:19 lap1sid [Fix] fixed name
8ee7daa 2020-03-09 09:49:25 lap1sid [Fix] Fixed Link
416714f 2020-03-09 07:08:41 lap1sid [Update] Wrote README.md
8d7a402 2020-03-08 06:40:31 lap1sid [Add] Added files
8a53823 2020-03-08 06:30:52 lap1sid [Move] Moved alterlinux-keyring PKGBUILD
316212f 2020-03-07 21:28:12 hayao [add] : Added files.
193f0c7 2020-03-07 20:58:30 lap1sid Initial commit


Name Rev. Time Author Message
master 9c6ba91 2020-11-17 16:43:30 lap1sid [Fix] fixed link and folder...



GnuPG Keyrings for AlterLinux.

How to building a package

1. Import GPG key

gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-key F50544048389DA36

2. Clone PKGBUILD repository

git clone https://github.com/FascodeNet/alterlinux-pkgbuilds.git

3. Build

cd alterlinux-pkgbuilds/alter-stable/any/alterlinux-keyring
makepkg -s

Option: Install

sudo pacman -U alterlinux-keyring*.pkg.tar*
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